“I did not expect to see you so soon, Ross,” Noble said when the man dismounted and joined Noble and Leora to walk to the keep, his horse following behind him.
“Slayer knew things were bad here and had all this ready for your arrival. He knew it would not take long for you to claim the title, though you did get things moving along fast enough,” Ross said, casting a glance all around him at the work in progress.
“I assumed he might, which was why I dispatched a hasty message to him,” Noble said.
Leora could not wait a second longer. “My sister, did you speak with her?”
“I did not see her,” Ross said.
“But she must walk through the village, talk with people. How could you not see her? Has Slayer imprisoned her?” Leora demanded.
“Nay, your sister is not held a prisoner and she is well cared for. You truly need not worry about her. In time, I am sure Lord Slayer will grant permission for you to see her.”
“Grant permission to see my own sister?” Leora said with a sharp tongue. “I need no permission to see my sister, and Lord Slayer will rue the day if he thinks to keep her from me.”
“Do not grow angry with Ross, he only follows orders,” Noble urged his wife. “Know your sister is well and safe as Ross says and in time you will see her.”
Leora bit her tongue to stop herself from lashing out at both men. They did not understand the importance of her seeing her sister as soon as possible, but it would do her no good to be angry with the two men who could help her visit with her sister. In time, however, was not a good enough answer as to when she could see her sister. If a visit proved too difficult, she would find a way to at least get a word to her no matter what anyone told her.
Knowing her husband would dismiss her so he could talk with Ross alone and thinking that perhaps Wendell was one of the men who drove the carts here since they were dressed more like servants than warriors, she spoke before her husband could, once they reached the keep.
“I am sure the people are eager to receive the food items and cloths, so I will leave you to talk while I see to the task,” she said with a smile and, with a light squeeze to her husband’s hand, took her leave.
“Leora,” Noble said with a raised voice after she took only a few steps.
Leora did not stop walking or turn around. She waved her hand in the air as she called out, “I will mind my shoulder, husband.”
Noble shook his head.
“She knows what you will say?” Ross asked, surprised.
“Far too often,” Noble admitted.
“She is a witch?” Ross whispered.
Noble laughed. “Far from it. She is a knowledgeable woman.”
“My sympathy,” Ross said.
“It is not as bad as you would think,” Noble said as they climbed the keep’s stairs.
“But she must be a challenge.”
“Aye, and you know how much I love a challenge,” Noble said with a smile.
* * *
Leora organizedthings quickly enough with the help of Calla, Emma, and the rest of the kitchen staff, all only too eager to help. She did not make the people wait to take their share. She had some of the sacks opened, the baskets lined up on tables, along with the cloth so that people could easily take what they needed. Though she did not offer all of it. She had Emma take what was needed for the keep and some of everything to be stored for future distribution.
Word was sent throughout the village to bring sacks, baskets, whatever was needed to carry their share. Women, men, and children came, and Calla saw that they formed a line and moved along without any issues, though it could have been Noble’s warriors who stood watch that kept everyone orderly. But Leora suspected that everyone was far too happy at receiving more food that they calmly, though eagerly, waited their turn.
As things moved along nicely, Leora made her way to the man who had driven the cart. He was busy enjoying a tankard of ale and bread with honey Emma had offered him.
“Do you happen to be Wendell?” Leora asked with a generous smile, though knew he wasn’t, Adele’s lack of a smile evidence enough that Wendell was not among those who arrived here.
The young man stared at her, his mouth partially open and his cheeks flaming red.
Leora recalled Elsie’s advice to her one day. “If you do not want young men frozen silent when you speak to them, then don’t smile at them.”