“If I may, sir?” Calla said, requesting permission to speak.

“Say what you will,” Noble said.

“We named the pup Chief since he had a regal stand before he grew weak from lack of food. He was too young to hunt and with food so sparse—” She shook her head. “It got to the point where the animals were fighting for food amongst themselves. The two men’s arrival only worsened the already dire situation.”

“You need not worry about that any longer, Calla,” Noble said. “There will be food aplenty for all from now on.”

Tears filled the lass’s eyes. “Bless you, Chieftain Noble. Bless you. The clan is most grateful.”

“Is a hot brew possible, Calla?” Leora asked. “I could use a nice brew after all that has happened.”

“Aye, mistress. I can brew chamomile for you,” Calla said eagerly.

“That would be perfect and ale for my husband, if possible,” Leora said, receiving an appreciative nod from her husband for thinking of him as well.

“Of ale we have plenty and wine as well, Chieftain Argus having kept it for himself,” Calla said and with a respectful bob of her head hurried from the room.

Noble led his wife to the table to sit and joined her while she placed the sleeping pup on her cloak that she had draped over the bench and tucked it around him.

“The pup will grow strong with such good care,” Noble said and felt a twinge of envy. Why should it matter that she paid such attention to the pup? He, himself, needed no such attention from her, or did he?

“Sky said food was essential for animals to grow strong, but that good care and love is what truly sustained them.” She turned her glance away from the sleeping pup to fall on Noble. “You said that Lord Slayer had hounds that obey only him. They must care for him if their obedience is only to him, and he must care for them somewhat.”

“I have known Slayer several years and in all that time I have never seen him show any affection of any kind to anyone. But he is a leader of a large troop of elite mercenaries, showing affection would not serve him well. Strength, superiority, fearlessness would be necessities to him.” He reached across the table and took hold of her hand. “I know you are eager to see your sister, but she is safe where she is. Slayer will let nothing happen to her. However, with Haig waiting here to take your life and the attempts on your life when traveling here make it seem that there is more interest in you than Sky. Any visit with your sister must wait.”

“As you probably already surmised, I do not like hearing that, yet I am not foolish enough to realize the wisdom of it,” Leora admitted, but it would not stop her from finding other ways to be in touch with Sky.

Noble gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I am glad to have wed such a wise woman.”

Leora’s smile started out soft then spread. “On that we agree.”

He shook his head and chuckled. “You are not what I expected.”

“I know… I am so much more.”

Noble continued to shake his head and chuckle, thinking that he favored his wife more and more each day and that life would definitely not be boring with her.

Calla returned and after placing a tankard in front of Leora and filling the tankard she had placed in front of Noble from the jug of ale she had set on the table, she smiled. “May I, sir?”

“You seem to have a penchant for saying what you will, Calla, so again, have your say.”

Calla looked contrite, though produced a slight smile. “Thank you, sir, and pardon me for saying, but it is so heartwarming and wonderful to have a chieftain and mistress who love each other as much as you both do to finally be leading Clan Skirling. And all will be delighted to finally hear the laughter of a gaggle of children in the keep once again and to know Clan Skirling will finally thrive.”


“We do well in hiding our situation with Calla believing us in love,” Leora said, the lass’s remark having shocked her. She barely knew Noble so how could she love him?

I barely knew your da when I realized I loved him.

Her mum’s words rang clear in Leora’s head. She recalled how Sky thought it was lovely. Elsie wondered if it was that way with everyone, while Leora had thought it impossible. Love was not found that fast. Her mum had laughed and commented on how she might just find out since we, by no means, control love.

Noble found his wife easier to read as time went on. While she said one thing, her lovely green eyes often told him another. That’s what her eyes did now. Calla’s unexpected remark had left her wondering. It had left him wondering as well. He knew little of love, but he would not mind exploring the possibilities of it with his wife. It would be nice for them not just to accept their marriage and learn to live with each other but rather love each other and be thankful they were brought together.

He almost shook his head at the thought. He had not even considered love when Slayer had presented the marriage proposal to him. He thought it was nothing more than a means to fulfilling his dream. Whether he would get along with the woman who would be his wife did not matter to him. What had changed that?


He had been warned she could be a handful but there was a courage to her that he admired and that the only reason she had agreed to leave her home and go with him was the love she had for her sister Sky, which proved she was selfless and would do whatever was necessary to protect her family.