He gave her chin a slight squeeze. “It does to me.”

“Why?” she asked, surprised by the rapid flutters in her stomach.

“Because I do not like to see you in pain, wife,” he said and let go of her chin, turning away to watch his men file into the room quietly in respect of the abbey. If he didn’t allow himself the distraction, he would have kissed her there and then. His need to kiss her was growing much too rapidly and he knew that soon he would not stop himself.

He hadn’t expected to find his passion sparking around his wife. He intended to do his husbandly duty and had hoped to enjoy it, but now… he actually looked forward to bedding his wife, and often. He only hoped she would feel the same way, since he would not force himself upon her if she found her wifely duty unpleasant.

The room soon filled with talk and some laughter, though quieted when Mother Abbess returned, her hands tucked beneath her scapula and a pleasant smile on her face. Every warrior gave her a nod of respect as she walked past them.

Noble showed her respect as well, standing as she approached their table.

“Word was sent to Lord Slayer’s warrior, Ross, as I was instructed to do if you stopped here. He will arrive shortly and will speak with you privately. You can use my solar to talk if you’d like,” Mother Abbess said.

“I accept and appreciate the offer,” Noble said with a nod.

Mother Abbess joined them and Noble kept a conversation going about the abbey, trying to avoid his wife asking questions that did not concern her, when Ross entered the refectory.

Noble greeted the man with a grin. “Your fast arrival tells me that you were already on your way.”

Leora cast a quick glance over the man. He had decent features; a thick neck and thick waist as well, but firm as were his arms and legs. His rigid stance let one know he was not a man to trifle with, as did his stern look.

“Your men, you sent ahead, reached me, and informed me of your intentions of stopping at the abbey so the nuns could tend to your wife’s wound. Tell me of this attack, though first tell me how she fares?” Ross asked.

Leora often wondered why men spoke about women as if they were not present when it was obvious to Ross that she was sitting right there beside her husband, and he could direct the question to her. She had not tolerated being ignored or disregarded in her home when her da’s friends visited and she would not tolerate it now. Her mum had taught her an easy way to have men respond to her without them even giving thought to it. Praise and a smile worked wonders on a man.

“How thoughtful of you to ask,” Leora said with a generous smile, startling the large warrior and forcing him to look at her. “As you can see for yourself, I am doing well.”

Ross was one man Noble did not think would fall victim to his wife’s beauty. He rarely paid women attention, seeking out willing women for a coin or two when necessary. His duty to Slayer, they having been friends since they were young, was a priority that came before anything else. But he was wrong.

Ross stared at her, his mouth slightly agape,

Leora took advantage of the moment and continued smiling. “By any chance have you met my sister Sky, the woman Lord Slayer rescued from Dundren Abbey?” Her husband shot her an annoyed look, which she promptly ignored. “I am eager to see how she is doing and to get a message to her.”

It took a few moments for Ross to regain his senses, shaking his head as if clearing away a fog, and turned to Noble. “There is little for me to say, Lord Slayer decides all that goes on with Sky.”

Leora hurried off the bench, and keeping her smile sweet, she rested a gentle hand on Ross’s arm. “I am her sister. I have been worried about her. Please tell me how she fares.”

Ross was shocked that she not only touched him but spoke directly to him, and he appeared to panic not knowing what to do. He turned a pleading look at Noble to help him.

Noble felt for the flustered man, but he was more annoyed that his wife would lay her hand on him, a man who was not her husband. “Take your hand off him, wife. Ross can tell you nothing. You will leave him be,” Noble ordered and saw Ross look relieved, though not for long.

Leora removed her hand, so anxious to learn anything she could about her sister that she had forgotten it was not proper to touch a man who was not your husband. “Please, can you at least tell me if my sister is being treated well.”

“She is,” Ross answered without thinking and shook his head, then cast another pleading look to Noble.

His wife would have Ross telling her things he shouldn’t if he didn’t stop her, and Slayer would not be happy about that. He took hold of her arm and tugged her away from Ross. “Go with Mother Abbess so she can see to your wound.”

Her husband’s firm command warned Leora that she had gone far enough. But she had one last thing to say, and she did so with a brilliant smile that completely mesmerized Ross. “Please tell my sister that I will visit with her soon.”

That snapped Ross out of his daze, and he frowned at Noble. “She must wait to be summoned.”

“We look forward to the summons whenever Lord Slayer issues it,” Noble said to Ross’s relief, not so his wife. Her smile faltered though she caught it quick enough.

Noble was not fool enough to think his wife intended to wait to see her sister and she confirmed his thought as he heard her say to Mother Abbess as they passed by him, “How far is Clan Skirling from Clan Ravinsher by horse or foot?”


Mother Abbess’s solar was much like the other parts of the abbey, clean and sparse. A table and a few chairs sat in the center of the room and a beautifully crafted tapestry of a nun praying over a dying warrior hung on one wall. Tall iron candelabras held numerous candles all lit, while a fire crackled in the small fireplace that Noble recalled Slayer insisted be installed for Mother Abbess.