Leora hated to admit it, but his reasoning was valid. “I can see the wisdom in that. But you must also understand how worried I am about my sister.”
“Aye, I do, which is why I will not punish you for disobeying me.”
Leora was unable to stop the burst of laughter that spewed from her mouth. “Punish me? I will not tolerate a husband who thinks he can punish me. Our marriage is done before it can start if you think you will punish me for not obeying you. And if punishment is the way you think to tame me, then you failed the challenge and you definitely failed at being a good husband.”
His wife reacted as he thought she would and that gave him more insight into her, more ways that he could tame her. He learned something else he had not expected to learn. Her laughter filled him with joy, even if it was directed at him. It was robust and genuine, and he could feel the humor in it and, strangely enough, it lightened his spirit.
“I have not failed yet,” he said. “I may be some points behind, but I will pass you soon enough,” Noble said confidently.
That got Leora’s attention and it made her realize that her husband used battle tactics in this challenge, setting her up to fall exactly where he wanted her to. She would have to be more vigilant if she were to claim victory.
“I doubt that,” she said and laughed again, letting him think she was easy prey.
“I wanted to ask you about last night,” Noble said.
She turned silent, recalling last night, her nightmare, and how she had turned to him for comfort. She could pretend she did not remember, but it was not the last nightmare she would suffer, and lies would not help her.
Noble waited, seeing her silently debate what to tell him. He hoped she would choose to trust him with the truth, but nightmares could frighten one silent and he would not hold it against her if she did not choose to discuss it with him, at least for now.
“I should have thanked you earlier for being there for me last night. Your presence brought me great comfort and I do appreciate it,” she said and hesitated a moment before she continued, though was grateful her husband waited and did not demand she confide in him. “I have suffered nightmares since returning home from my time at the abbey and my escape.”
“You need not suffer them alone any longer. I will be there to give you what comfort I can.”
“I appreciate that,” Leora said, and that he cared enough to do so had her feeling a gentle squeeze to her heart.
“It is my duty as your husband.”
And the gentle squeeze turned to a twisting pain, and she snapped at him. “You are definitely a horse’s arse.” She directed her horse away from him or else she feared she would punch him.
Her abrupt departure did not let her see Noble’s slight smile. Another well laid battle strategy that would have him seeing victory soon enough. The only problem was that it troubled him since it was a lie and he had cautioned her about lying. He had not comforted her out of duty. He had comforted her because it had hurt him to see her suffering. Was victory that important to him that he would lie?
He rode after her and came up alongside her.
“I do not want to talk to you,” she said without looking at him.
“Good, since it is I who has something to say to you.” When she still refused to look at him, he continued talking. “I live by a code of honor, and I would fail that honor if I did not live by my own words. I told you that lies do not help a marriage and I meant it. I just lied to you. I did not comfort you out of duty. I comforted you last night because I did not like seeing you suffer.”
Leora turned her head quickly his way. “You cared that I suffered?”
“I did. It hurt me to see you in the throes of a nightmare and unable to do anything about it and when you reached out to me for help, it made me only more determined to do what I could to ease your suffering.”
“It was instinct, my reaching out to you. I knew I could depend on you and your arms wrapped protectively around me allowed me to sleep peacefully. I truly appreciate what you did for me.”
“And I will do it again most willingly and not out of duty,” Noble said, and his heart nearly stopped when she turned a brilliant smile on him. Good Lord, but she was a beauty. He had never known a woman with such astonishing features. It was no wonder men melted when she smiled.
“I thank you for that, husband, and I apologize for calling you a horse’s arse even though you deserved it,” she said with a teasing twinkle in her eyes.
He smiled, thinking that life with his wife might be good just the way she was.
He heard the hiss of the arrow before it struck but he had no time to react or to know where it would land. He barely had time to catch his wife around her waist, after the arrow struck the side of her head, and stop her from falling off her horse.
* * *
Leora cringed upon hearing the powerful roar, it sending a sharp pain shooting through her head.
“The bleeding won’t stop.”