I wave over to the DJ, who I’ve come to know very well over the past year. He waves back and gives a thumbs-up. I shoot him a thumbs-up, and he nods, already knowing what I want.
The music changes. And Ante Up comes on through the speakers.
“Oh boy,” Ryker says.
Turner looks at him. “Is he about to–”
“Yep!” I say to them both, shedding my belt and slipping it onto Ryker’s shoulder. He was holding his helmet under his arm but decides at this moment to slip it on.
“You embarrassed to be seen with me?” I ask him, top-rocking.
A small crowd begins to gather around us.
“May the fourth be with you!” DJ Nova says from his booth. “It’s time for a dance-off from a galaxy far, far away!”
“Dance-off?” I hear Rina exclaim.
But I’m already going. My body loves to move. If I don’t, I feel like a ball of energy that needs to be released. I’ve always been this way. And those that couldn’t hang wouldn’t last long. Those who could put up with me—they were mine for life.
I even taught my little sister a few moves. She loves it when I dance with her.
But I’m well aware Rina’s never seen this part of me. The part that forgets who's around and gets so swept up in the music that I lose my sense of time.
I finish with a windmill and pose and the gathered crowd goes wild. But JR is right. This party is mostly dudes, so a few guys step up to do battle.
I look around. Ryker is leaning against the back wall of the house, away from everyone. Turner is next to him. But Rina is gone.
I look for Jenny’s group of girls. They’re still laughing and doing shots together, pointing at the guys now battling it out.
Where is Rina?
Leaving the dance-off, I step back inside the house in search of the Queen. Guys recognize me and keep giving me fist bumps and bringing me in for hugs. Finally, I decide to search upstairs.
There are noises coming from a bathroom. I bang on the door.
“Occupied!” I hear JR say.
Followed by a, “Let me out, you jerk!”
That has to be her.
“Open this door right now!” I pound my fist against the hard wood.
When nothing happens, I step back and kick it, sending it flying off the hinges. Inside, Rina is nearly backed into the shower, wielding a bottle of shampoo that she’s about to throw at JR, who is stalking over her.
I reach for his shoulders and pull him back. Without even a second thought, my fist connects with his cheek, and he falls to his knees.
I step over him and reach for Rina. “Are you ok? What the hell happened?”
She drops the bottle and pushes past me, kicking JR on her way out.
“Rina!” I run out after her. She doesn’t stop, already making for the stairs when I reach for her arm, stopping her.
“Let me go!” she screams, pulling away.
I put both hands up. “I’m sorry, okay? Rina, I’m just trying to help.”
“Well, don’t,” she yells, tears streaming down her face.