Page 32 of Penalty Shots

“A choreographed dance? He got Fergie, O-zone,andHicks to choreograph a dance?” I say, almost in awe.

The four of them beckon Ryker onto the floor. We both look at Ryker, who’s actively covering his face with his palm.

Izzy shoves his shoulder, and he looks at her with pleading eyes.

“Go,” she tells him.

“I’d rather not,” he protests.

“Go, Goalie-zilla. I’m only getting married once, so you'd better make the most of it.” Then, to me, she says, "No offense."

I hold back a laugh. "None taken."

“I am making the most of it," he protests. "Bynotdancing with your brother.”

Keelan does a few backflips and now the wedding guests have surrounded them. Cell phones are recording and all I can think is that I hope he doesn’t break his leg again. The last time he did, he became the world’s neediest man-child.

He top-rocks his way over to the bride and groom’s table and holds out his hand to his best friend.

“No,” Ryker says, not making any moves.

“Come on, Ry. Everyone’s waiting,” he says from the corner of his mouth.

Ryker crosses his arms over his chest. He’s not going anywhere.

“Fine,” Keelan says, then shifts his attention to me and holds his hand out.

I straighten. “What are you doing?”

“Dance with me, maid of honor. Don’t leave me hanging like this bozo,” he says, motioning toward the groom.

I look at his open hand and then over to Izzy, who nods enthusiastically. “Go! Do the first dance in my place.”

My eyes meet Keelan’s again. Those mocha eyes beg me to move, and I’m powerless against them. Before I know it–my feet are moving toward him, and my hand is wrapped in the warmth of his.

He pulls me toward him. And our chests meet. “You still remember how to dance, don’t you, Your Majesty?” His smile teases me and I narrow my eyes.

“Of course,” I say, allowing him to pull me toward the center with him. He spins me, and the second I face him again, I slam my heel onto his foot. He sucks in a grunt. “How could I forget, Man-child?”

Now, it’s my turn to tease him with a smile.

The song changes, and now I’m stuck slow dancing with him while the entire wedding party and guests watch.

He chuckles to himself. “I gotta admit, Ri. I like you mad.”

“I’m not mad,” I deadpan.

“Yes,” he says, his hand moving down to my waist. “You are. And mad is good.Mad,I can work with.”

I feel my blood pressure rising with the proximity. I shouldn’t be this close. Not in front of so many people. It could cause speculation. I already see some of the guys on the team eyeing us.

We’re soon joined by his teammates and their wives and girlfriends. Everyone sways and whispers sweet nothings into each other’s ears. All except for Ryker and Izzy. Ryker doesn’t dance. And Izzy loves him regardless.

I look at Keelan again.

“Why are you so convinced I’m mad?” I ask him.

He tilts his head down at me, our faces just inches apart. “Are you serious? Jenny… the girl you can’t stand since college, just became your work wife.”