"Nothing… nevermind. Let's just get back to the plan."
"And then what, Ri?"
His eyes are on me. Waiting.
"You're just… not that different. That's all."
He scoffs. "Please. I'd never,neverdo what he did to you."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, really."
"Well, you did, Keelan. Mr. High and Mighty. You did!"
His eyes narrow. "What?"
"To Jenny!" I yell out. "You did it to Jenny. So don't walk around pretending to be so much better than any other fuck boy that walks these halls. Because all you players are all the same. And us women, the ones too blinded by your charm to see the damage you're doing to us—we're the ones that get shit on. Well, not anymore." I stand up and pull open the door.
The hot air is getting to me, and I feel dizzy from getting up so fast.
"I'll send you my plan for the image rehab campaign. You'll need to sign it before I submit it to Mack."
He stays staring at me, slack-jawed. "So that's it? We're done here."
"We're done here." I walk out of the sauna and shut the door, grabbing my clothes and heels off the floor in a hurry because I can't get away from Keelan Landry fast enough.
Will I ever learn my lesson with this guy?
Chapter 8
“Stop it, Iz. You look great.”
My sister continues to tuck and untuck a single strand of hair as she looks in the mirror.
“Seriously," I chuckle. "Stop." I grab her hand and take it in mine, making her turn to me.
“I’m so nervous, Kee. What if this is a mistake?… What if it’s too fast?” She gasps, bringing a hand to her mouth. "Oh, my god. Do you think we're moving too fast?"
This, coming from the girl whose best friend dated, married, and is now divorcing a man over the span of a few months.
She really thinks one year is too fast?
I take her face and make her look at me. “Isabella Angelica Landry—"
"That's not my middle name," she points out with a chuckle.
"Whatever," I continue. "Ryker loves you. You have a child together. The most beautiful creature, might I add. He’s not going anywhere. And the timing is just right, okay?”
She takes in a deep breath and swallows. “Okay,” she finally breathes.
“Not to mention, he probably knows your middle name. So he's a better man than I could ever be.”
"He does," she confirms with a laugh. "And he is. It’s so weird to me that you don't."
"Well, enlighten me."