My boys all high-five her as they skate off the ice and congratulate us.
And after the fastest shower in the world, I meet her in front of the press room entrance.
She's still dressed in my jersey, though her face paint has been washed off and replaced with fresh makeup.
I kiss her.
"You ready?" She sounds nervous.
"Are you kidding me? I've wanted this longer than I care to admit," I say, taking her hand.
"Me too, " she says, kissing my hand. "Me too."
I open the door, and the press that are all seated rise and applaud as Rina and I walk hand in hand to the very front. She stops just before getting to the table and whispers, "Go get 'em, Captain."
I wink at her and kiss her cheek before taking my place next to Coach Murray. Coach slaps me on the back with a huge smile.
"This might be the happiest I've ever seen you, son."
"It is, Coach."
"Your dad would be very proud, Landry."
I think so, too.
My parents would've loved Rina. They would've taken her in the same way her parents took me in. They would've been so excited for us. I know that with everything in me.
I search the crowded room for the woman I can't wait to start my life with, and she's in the very back—where she always is. Cool, calm, and collected. Always so in control.
And the thought that crosses my mind just before the press conference starts is that I can't wait to make her lose all that control tonight when I finally get her alone.
Chapter 30
The sounds of my dad's planeras are growing louder and louder in the living room as the guys get more comfortable with them.
Aunt Ginny pours me a glass of wine.
"I swear the hand drums sound better after they all learn the songs. Sometimes it just takes some time," I say, bouncing Stella on my hip as I take a sip.
"And a lot of wine," my mom adds.
Izzy grabs her glass and raises it. "To loud Christmases, full of lots of love, laughs and good food."
"Amen to that," Aunt Ginny says, clinking her glass to all of ours.
My parents, my dad specifically, decided a cruise to the Mediterranean could wait until after Christmas if it meant meeting all the people that would be our new family.
Stella keeps trying to get a peek at what the guys are doing in the living room.
"You trying to see your dad, Stella?" I ask her. Mom takes my glass.
"Go, they're never too young to learn," she says with a big smile.
I look at Izzy. "You good with that?"
She gives me a nod, "Let my girl hit some drums. Who knows, maybe she'll be the musician of the family. Get us out of the sports world for once."