“I can’t wait toreallyshow you my appreciation,” she purrs to him yet remains making eye contact with me.
Which is needless to say…uncomfortable.
“I’ll bring you coffee Christmas morning wearingonlya Santa hat if youjingle my bellsChristmas Eve,” Kid states on a waggling of his eyebrows prompting our boyfriend’s ex to present me with a smug sneer.
They’re flirting.
But it’s not like I’m uninvited.
Or that they’ve forgotten I’m here.
Her point from our last encounter hasn’t been proven.
“You’re lucky I’m not jingling your bells right now, Kid,” Mutt hungrily grumbles.
“See,” I join in the conversation, grateful for an easy segue into it. “Always. Horny.”
“Says the woman wearing lingerie in publicmakingme that way.”
“It’s a dress!”
“Pretty sure it’s a costume,” Kipp lightly chortles while Jolene and Paul get into the next available carriage.
“How many tickets?” the woman at the nearby table politely inquires.
“Three,” Nolan informs at the same time he pulls out his wallet.
“Cash or card?”
“Treats?” she gestures to the basket at the other end of her small surface. “They’re a great way to have an extra great ride.”
“We think so too, don’t we, Rabbit?” Mutt teases with a wink.
“I’ve got those,” Kid volunteers before our boyfriend can stop him. “Cash.”
The two of them finish paying for our activity only mere seconds after our carriage arrives.
We each take a bag of the different fruits and cautiously approach our horse. We gently pet him, learn his name – Seamor – and present the offerings that he devours quite quickly. What’s left over, we give to the driver under the impression, he’ll continue to feed the creature later in the night with the remaining food.
Loading up into the carriage with me in the middle is followed by a smooth start and us sanitizing our hands courtesy of the liquid offered in the basket beside the festive blanket.
Despite not being asked, The Kid lovingly drapes the cover over all three of our laps, not only proving he’s capable of taking care of us, but that he wants to.
That he findsjoyin it.
They both extend one arm along the edge behind me and use the position to lovingly stroke one another.
We openly admire the amazing ice sculptures.
Note their ingenuity.
Praise their creativeness.
We discuss the light displays we pass by and under.