Me: “What are you talking about?”
Aleksandr: “Where are you going?”
Lukyan: “Can I have your room?”
We all gave him a deadpan stare.
He shrugged. “What?” he asked innocently, his eyes moving over us one at a time. “It’s not like it’s a surprise. Of course he’s leaving. As if he could live somewhere different than Tatiana,” he scoffed, looking at us likewewere the idiots.
Well, he has a point there.
The love Nikolai had for Tatiana was the type of love everyone hoped to have in their lives. The type of love I had for his mother. I could understand completely why—
Wait—had? Past tense?
“Tatiana can’t move here?” Aleksandr asked Nikolai with a frown.
I tried to keep up with the conversation, but my mind started to spiral, the implications of my thoughts making me freak the fuck out.
What is going on? I love Yekaterina. Not loved. LOVE. It doesn’t matter if she wasn’t there anymore. I will always love her, no matter what. Love. Love. Love—
“She’s pregnant.”
My thoughts cut off in an instant, my head snapping to Nikolai. Surprise hit me hard, making my eyes bug out of my head.
Did he just say what I think he said?
“What?!” Lukyan shouted. “Already?! Damn, how strong are your swimmers?”
“Oh my god! Congratulations!” Drea squealed, jumping up and down in her chair. “A baby! How exciting!”
Nikolai smirked. “Two, actually.”
Aleksandr’s eyes widened. “Twins?” he breathed out.
Nikolai nodded, his face alight with happiness.
Whaaaat?All these surprises were liable to give me a goddamn heart attack. Delight exploded in my chest, and I got to my feet at the same time Aleksandr did, moving towards him.
“Congratulations, little brother,” he said, hauling Nikolai up into a tight hug.
I came up from behind and patted him on the shoulder. “Congratulations, son.”
It was such a significant moment for Nikolai, and I couldn’t be happier for him. But with the news must have come unbelievable anxiety after what happened the first time.
Before he left, I would need to speak with him, like I should have done years ago. It was a conversation I was in no way looking forward to, but one we needed to have.
“I wanna get in on this.” Lukyan slammed into us, his arms wrapping around us and his head resting on Nikolai’s back. “This is so nice,” he breathed dreamily.
Aleksandr grunted. “Get off me.”
“Andddd look at that, you ruined it, ya big grump.”
Laughing softly, Nikolai stepped back. We all took our seats again.
“Just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean I won’t still work,” Nikolai began. “I’ll coordinate with our new clients in New York and oversee the deliveries and payments. Tatiana only plans to stay at FIT long enough to gain enough credits so that, when a spot opens up at a college here, she can transfer.”
Aleksandr nodded, satisfied with that plan. “So when do you leave?”