“I still plan to kill you if we make it out of here alive,” he gruffed.
I laughed. “Right back at you.” My gaze clashed with a set of icy-blue eyes over Dimitri’s shoulder. Aleksandr was watching us again, his gaze narrowed in suspicion.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Dimitri Volkov
“So, tell me, what’sbeen going on at home?” I asked the following day, trying to keep myself distracted. Autumn’s words from the night before had calmed me down somewhat and helped me to see things with more clarity.
She was right. If Talon was going to do anything to Illayana, he would make me watch it, knowing how powerless the whole thing would make me feel. He took her to fuck with my head, and I wasn’t going to allow it.
Still, the thought of my daughter with him made me feel uneasy. I needed to keep my mind busy and occupied, or I risked spiralling back down into that deep, dark pit of despair and hopelessness.
Aleksandr, Nikolai and Lukyan stayed silent, exchanging awkward glances with one another. I knew that look and whatit represented. They did that whenever they had something they didn’t want to tell me.
It was like an unspoken rule amongst my children. That if one of them had something they didn’t want me to know, they wouldallkeep quiet about it, presenting a united front against me.
However, there was always one weak link.
I stared down my youngest son. He avoided my eyes, looking everywhere but my direction. He glanced at the ceiling. Inspected his fingernails, acting shocked like he’d never seen them before. Played with the hem of his black trousers. Fiddled with his shoelaces.
I continued to stare, waiting him out. I didn’t mind. I had all the patience in the world. Lukyan wouldn’t be able to help himself. He would look at me eventually.
His gaze flicked to me from the corner of his eyes.
“Lukyan. Is there something you’d like to say?”
His eyes moved to Aleksandr and back to me quickly.
Something about Aleksandr, then.
Lukyan pinched his lips together like it was taking everything he had not to just open his mouth and tell me whatever it was.
Aleksandr glared in warning. Nikolai shook his head at Lukyan, eyes wide.
Lukyan’s face turned red.
Any minute now. Any minute—
“Aleksandr got married!”
I whipped back in shock.What?
Nikolai slapped his palm against his forehead.
Aleksandr growled. “You’re such a tattletale!” he barked, thumping his fists against the cell bars.
“What? You saw the way he was lookin’ at me, all evil-eyed and shit. I’m not chancing a round in the ring with him!”
“A round in the ring,” Aleksandr blew out, aghast. “We’re most likely going to die here, you idiot. You’re never going togetto the ring.”
Lukyan stayed quiet for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Huh. I didn’t think about that.” He laughed softly to himself. “Whoops.”
Aleksandr spun to face me. “Lukyan’s the one who crashed your Bugatti last year.”
Lukyan gasped in outrage. He jumped to his feet. “Yeah, well, Belka didn’t smash that upstairs window, Aleksandr did!”
The dog? What the—