Page 61 of Bratva Butcher

Who was she to know those things about me?

I pushed her away from me and immediately swung my leg into a fast roundhouse kick. She ducked, evading the strike with plenty of time to spare because she was good, quick and could anticipate my moves frustratingly well.

She returned with her own kick, and then we locked in a battle of blows. Punch. Kick. Elbow strike. Knee strike. We attacked and blocked. Attacked and blocked. Over and over. Exchanging blow after blow, never letting up.

I didn’t bother going easy on her because she was strong as fuck, and I knew she could take whatever I dished out.

I front-kicked, and she swerved out of the way with the grace of a dancer. She hit me with a spinning back fist, making my head snap to the side and blood pool in my mouth. She spun and ran. There wasn’t anywhere to go, yet I gave chase anyway, staying right on her heels.

She surprised the fuck out of me by pulling some action movie kind of shit, running up the wall and flipping behind me. I barely managed to stop myself from plowing into the wall. Painrocketed up my spine instantly from a blow to the back, and I shot forward, smashing into the wall anyway.

Fucking shit.

I kept forgetting how fucking fast she was.

I swung back blindly, which she of course ducked under because, like I said, she was irritatingly good at anticipating my moves.

Well, lucky for me, I was good at anticipating her moves, too. I hunched inwards, tucking my arms into my side to block the relentless onslaught of punches she unleashed.

When the opportunity came, I lashed out with a knee strike to her abdomen. She blocked it like I knew she would.

We were just too evenly matched for one of us to truly get the upper hand.

That didn’t stop us from fucking trying, though.

It made me genuinely curious. In a true fight to the death between Autumn and I, who would win?

If you’d asked me a few weeks before, I would have said me, hands down. But after witnessing her in action and being the recipient of her brutal attacks, I honestly couldn’t say anymore.

A deep groan from one of the other cells made us both stiffen, our fists freezing in the air. My eyes snapped to the left to see Aleksandr stirring. I ran to the bars separating us instantly, forgetting all about the fight.


He groaned again, rolling over onto his back. Autumn came up to my side, wiping a trail of blood away from her chin.

“Aleksandr,” I tried again, edging more steel into my voice.

His eyes snapped open. Lightning fast, he was on his feet, his gaze whipping around the room frantically as his fists came up in a boxer’s pose. When his eyes clashed with mine, his whole body went deathly still.

“Fuck,” he breathed out, his arms lowering to his side.

Fuck? That’s all he has to say?

Now that I could see he was okay, the worry I’d felt over his safety was replaced with anger.

“Look behind you,” I all but growled out.

He turned slowly, almost as if he feared what he might see. “Fuck!” He rushed forward. “Lukyan! Illayana!”

It was no use. They were both out cold. So was Nikolai. Lukyan had one arm flung over his face and was snoring loudly. Illayana was lying face down with a puddle of drool forming around her mouth.

I would have been worried something was seriously wrong if it wasn’t for the fact that she’d been drooling in her sleep since she was a child.

“What the fuck happened?” Aleksandr asked, confusion on his face.

My anger spiked to dangerous levels. Again. “I was going to askyouthat question.”

“I don’t…” He ran his fingers through his short, black hair. “I don’t know. I was out when a van pulled up next to me. Four guys got out. One shot me with a dart or something. I killed him. A few of them, I think. I’m not sure. It’s all a little…hazy.”