Was it twisted that my lady bits did a little dance at how fucking hot he looked with all that blood dripping over him?
Probably. Oh well.
Almost as if sensing my presence, Dimitri jostled awake, his gaze snapping to me. There was a brief moment of disorientation, his brows creasing together as he took me in.
Then, he fuckingattackedme.
His hands wrapped around the chains holding him to the ceiling, and he lifted himself up, swinging his leg in a powerful arc, aiming for my head.
“What the fuck?!” I shrieked, barely managing to rear back in time and avoid the strike.
The chain around my neck snapped taut and propelled me back towards him. He swung again, this time with the other leg. I ducked underneath it, cocked my arm back and socked him right in the mouth.
“Will you cut it out?! I was just trying to help you!”
Dimitri spat out a mouthful of blood, glaring at me. “I didn’t ask for your help,” he grunted, voice like granite. Then he struck out again with another kick.
I dodged it—barely—and backed up so I was no longer within his reach. “Excuse me for being fucking hospitable,” I spat. “Fuck ya, then.”
That’s the last time I try to do something nice.
Without another word, I marched back to my corner and spent the rest of my time awake scowling at him through the darkness.
A short time later, Dominik returned, absolutely brimming with anger. He made a beeline right for his brother and punched him in the face. Dimitri’s head snapped back, his laughter ringing in the air.
“Let me guess,” Dimitri started, eyes lit with amusement. “You tried to negotiate with my son. My release in exchange forPakhan? Oh,brat,you’re so predictable. I’m actually embarrassed for you.”
Dominik’s face turned bright red. “I don’t know what you’re laughing at,” he hissed. “You boast about this strong family connection you all share, and yet, none of your children would lift a finger to save your life.”
“Of course they wouldn’t. They know better than that. The role ofPakhandoesn’t belong to you, Dominika. It belongs to my son. There’s nothing you can do that will make Aleksandr give that up. It’shislegacy. Not yours. He knows to never negotiate with you, not even to save my life.”
Dominik pounded his fists into Dimitri’s torso over and over again in a frenzied, bloody rage.
I had no idea what was going on, what they were arguing about, and I didn’t care. I rolled over and went to sleep.
Chapter Three
Dimitri Volkov
Time had no meaningin that room. The days bled into the nights. The nights into days. A terrible and vicious cycle took place where Dominik tortured me for hours on end, only stopping whenhebecame exhausted.
After the beating he’d given me when Aleksandr refused his ridiculous offer—my freedom for thePakhanrole—he’d been more careful in his tactics to cause me pain.
“Don’t want to damage you. At least…not on the outside,”he’d said.“No one will buy a broken horse.”He’d laughed.
His original plan had clearly backfired. He’d foolishly thought my capture would be enough to force my children into doing whatever he wanted, but Aleksandr knew better. He knew I would never negotiate to save my life, least of all with my brother.
So, Dominik had a plan B, and based on the not-so-cryptic taunts he continuously threw my way, I had a feeling I knew what it was.
He was going to sell me to the highest fucking bidder.
The Bratva had a lot of enemies. A lot of people who would pay good money to make me suffer.
The question was… Who was it going to be?
Until that moment, he had still wanted to cause me pain. He’d just chosen meticulous methods so he wouldn’t “damage the merchandise” because, as he constantly pointed out—usually while laughing in my face—no one wanted to buy a broken horse.
There was nothing my brother wanted from me except my pain. He wasn’t after answers or apologies. He just wanted to hurt me. Make me pay for outdoing him at every turn while we were growing up. Punish me for having our father’s admiration and respect while he only got contempt and disappointment.