“We have a special treat for you tonight, ladies and gentlemen. A truly special, special treat. Let’s meet our next team.”
Their faces appeared on the TV, slightly dazed as the announcer continued to introduce them.
“Lily Cole is a master sergeant in the Marines with over thirty-three confirmed kills.” The camera zoomed in right on Lily, giving the crowd plenty of time to admire her.
I was mildly surprised. She was such a little thing. Barely five feet tall. I’d dismissed her as a threat the instant I’d seen her.
The fact that she was a Marine would be both an advantage and disadvantage for her. An advantage because she possessed the necessary skills it took to not only physically take a life, but mentally, too.
And a disadvantage because, as a Marine, she would have some sort of moral compass that may make her hesitate in the arena.
A bad thing for her. A good thing for whomever she faced.
“Weighing in at only ninety pounds, she might seem small and unthreatening, but she is anything but! Her skills guarantee a good fight!”
The crowd let loose a mighty cheer as the camera panned to her partner.
“Roger Ward is someone to watch, folks! President of a vicious motorcycle gang in Las Vegas, he’s dangerous, ruthless and has no qualms getting a little blood on his hands.”
I knew it,I thought. I’d had that guy pegged from the moment I laid eyes on him. There was something dark about him. Something that made me weary. A predator could always sense another predator, and Roger Ward was definitely one.
The announcer continued to talk Lily and Roger up, trying to get the crowd more and more excited for the upcoming fight. They were doing a great job of it. Cheers, whoops and hollers could no doubt be heard for miles.
I looked around the room again.Who would be their opponents?
They would be one hell of a team to beat.
The arena darkened. Anticipation sizzled in my bones.
“Alright! Time to meet their opponents! I have a feeling you guys are gonnalovethese ones! That’s right! It’s the duo we know you’ve all been dying to see!”
This time, there was no pre-warning about who they would be facing. The guards just came into the group, pushing and shoving prisoners out of the way until they got to who they were after.
Dimitri and I.
Our gazes clashed as the realization hit. We were both jostled roughly as they removed our chains and collars, and then we were pushed through the door into the dark arena. A bright, blinding light shone on us.
“The Bratva Butcher and The Crimson Death!”
The crowd went wild, screaming and cheering so loudly that it became almost disorientating. I forced myself not to look around, not to scan my surroundings like I was so desperate to do. It was unfamiliar terrain. I needed to scout the new environment I was in so I could prepare, but I didn’t want to seem like I was worried, scattered or scared. I needed to portray an easy air as if the whole thing was nothing but a mild inconvenience for me.
Instead, I looked up at Dimitri and couldn’t help but smile brightly at the look of complete and utter shock on his face.
He knew I was an assassin, but he had no idea that the moniker I worked under was no doubt one he’d heard. Usually, I’d be pissed to have my identity revealed, however, in this case, it was totally worth it to see the surprise in his eyes.
“You’reThe Crimson Death?” he whispered as the crowd roared for us, clapping their hands and stomping their feet.
I just smiled brighter and said nothing. If we survived, we would have plenty of time to talk after.
“Alright! I see everyone is eager to get the night going! So, why don’t we get to it?! Ladies and gentlemen, round two of the Til Death Games!”
The arena flooded with light and I took everything in quickly. I’d expected to be on sand or rough asphalt, but it wasgrass beneath my feet. Tiny obstacles were placed haphazardly throughout the space; rocks, boulders, logs. There was even a small stream running from one end of the arena to the other.
Roger and Lily stood on the other side of it, the stream separating us. They must have moved after they’d entered the arena so they would have a chance to acclimate to their surroundings.
Dimitri and I exchanged one last look with each other. Something flashed in his eyes like he wanted to say something, but he was holding himself back. The vibe I got from him—the energy he was giving off—mixed with that look in his eyes made me wonder what it was that he was thinking about.
He looked almost… remorseful. As if he’d come to some sort of decision, but it was one he wasn’t entirely happy about.