Page 2 of Bratva Butcher

I weighed my options, considering every scenario. “I think not.”

He sighed. “There’ssevenof us and onlyoneof you.”

“I know.” My hand moved underneath my desk discreetly until I felt the cool steel of the flashbang grenade taped there. “You should have brought more.” I ripped it free, tore out the pin, lobbed it into the air and took cover beneath the desk, closing my eyes and shielding my ears.


The floor trembled from the small blast. Screams of pain and loud curses rang out around the room. I jumped out from under the desk and immediately went on the offensive.

It was…child’s play, really. Not even close to a fair fight. All of the men were either on the ground groaning, scratching at their eyes or trying to crawl out of the room.

I made my way through the path of destruction of overturned furniture and broken glass, picking them off one by one.

Headshot here. Headshot there. Dickshot then headshot because his whiny cries annoyed the fuck out of me.

The designated leader lay crumpled at my feet, moaning. I kicked away the gun within his reach, crouched down at his side and forced him onto his back. Without hesitating, I shot him in the arm.

He screamed.

“Who sent you?” When he did nothing but continue to scream, I dug my thumb deep into the bullet wound.

He screeched, this irritating, high-pitched sound as he flailed wildly. “Ahh!! I don’t know!”

I shot him in the leg. “Care to try that again?” I asked in between his weeping.

“I’m telling the truth! I don’t know!” he screamed. “I don’t know his name! All I know is that he looks exactly like you!”

I stiffened.Dominik. That motherfucker.

He had finally made a move. I was going to fucking kill him——

I hissed when a sharp, stinging pain jammed into my neck. I swung back blindly, the side of my fist connecting hard with someone’s knee. Dizziness washed over me, but I ignored it, pushing through to twist around and shoot him in the face.

My hand drifted upwards, and my fingers curled around a syringe.

Son of a bitch.

I pulled it out, looking down at it.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

My whole world tilted when I got to my feet, disorientation sweeping through my mind, causing my vision to blur. One by one, my limbs started to go numb. My legs wobbled, trying to support my weight.

“Grab him! Hold him down!” Hands grasped me, pushing me up against my desk. I fought, but it was pointless. A wasted effort. Whatever drug was coursing through my veins was making it impossible for me to fight back.

One man held down my left arm, another my right, while a third pinned my head down to cut out the tracker in the back of my neck.

That was the last thing I felt before I slipped into darkness.

Chapter One

Dimitri Volkov

Pain was something Iwas very familiar with. We were old friends, pain and I. Physical pain. Emotional turmoil. The sting of betrayal. It didn’t matter what kind of pain it was. I was so accustomed to it, so used to it, had experienced enough of it within my lifetime that I was almost numb to it.

That was why, despite the cigarettes being burnt into my skin by my twin brother, it didn’t hurt. Not really.

Because I wasn’t there.