Page 171 of Bratva Butcher

After she left, Dimitri encircled me in a tight hug. “You okay?” he murmured into my hair.

I nodded, breathing him in, his scent calming me instantly. “What are we going to do?” It took a lot to worry me. I wasn’t easily rattled. But that business with Sergei had fear and anxiety almost swallowing me whole.

I couldn’t lose Dimitri. I just couldn’t. I was sure I wouldn’t survive it.

He took my face in his hands and stared deep into my eyes. He emanated power and strength, not a single ounce of the fear flooding my veins showing on his face. “We call a family meeting.”

Chapter Forty-Three

Dimitri Volkov

“Would you move over?”Illayana growled.

“And where would you like me to go?” Nikolai snapped back. “Incase you haven’t noticed, there’s no more room on this bloody couch.”

Sitting peaceful in her own armchair, Tatiana rubbed her growing belly with one hand, watching on with amusement in her eyes.

On Illayana’s other side sat Aleksandr, his shoulders hunched inwards to try and save room, but it wasn’t really making much of a difference.

It was a three seater couch, but the size of my sons meant Illayana was squashed in the middle between them. Drea was sitting in the only other armchair available, which meant Lukyan and Arturo were left to stand. It was a tight fit, all of us crammed into my office at the family house. In retrospect, it probablywould have been smarter to have the meeting in the lounge room or dining area. Even the kitchen would have been a better spot. But I held all of my meetings in my office, and that was a hard habit to break.

I was standing behind my desk, Autumn by my side, just her presence calming my soul despite the yelling going back and forth between my children.

“I don’t care where you go, just move! You’re on my hair,” Illayana griped.

Nikolai shoved her with his shoulder. “Tie it up, then.”

“Argh! You’re so annoying!”

“You’re the youngest,” Aleksandr cut in. “Youmove.”

“Ever heard of chivalry?” she snapped.

I rubbed my temples. “Enough,” I bit out.

They either didn’t hear me or just chose not to listen. Illayana, Nikolai and Aleksandr started shoving and pushing, their voices raised in frustration as they yelled at each other.

My gaze flicked to Lukyan, who stood quietly, not joining in on the usual squabble with his siblings. It wasn’t lost on me how odd his behaviour was. How lost and down he seemed.

I knew it was all my fault.

No matter what I said or did to try and fix it, nothing worked. I was hoping that, after that day, things might go back to normal. I had a plan to show him how much I valued him. I was hoping it worked.

I was about to snap at them all to shut the fuck up when a loud, ear-piercing whistle cut through the room. Just like that, all the noise ceased. Beside me, Autumn removed her fingers from her mouth and threw me a wink.

My heart exploded. God, I loved that woman.

My children straightened with a grumble, getting in a few more begrudging shoves before settling down.

“Okay,” I began, moving to the front of my desk. “I’ve called you all here because we have something very important to discuss. It’s about your grandfather.”

“Is he dead?” Aleksandr asked bluntly.


“Pity,” he grunted.

Ain’t that the truth.