Page 161 of Bratva Butcher

Always so pleasant.“I need some information on one of your clients.”

“I ain’t no snitch,” he snapped immediately.

“There’s a carton of Johnny Walker Blue in it for you.”

Elias was silent for a moment. “Who is it?”

I smirked, leaning back in my chair, triumph shooting through me. Elias Huber was a well-known assassin trainer in our world. I knew from our time on Talon’s island that Elias was the one who not only trained Autumn, but held a close bond with her. If anyone knew where she was or how to get in touch with her, it would be him. He was a gruff man in his late seventies. Very blunt, very direct with a no-nonsense attitude.

“Autumn DeValos.”

“Ahh,” he chuckled. “Soyou’rethe one.”

“The one?” I questioned. “The one what?”

“The one who sent her running away.”

I sat up, my spine snapping straight. “What are you talking about? Running? Running where?”

“Don’t know,” he grunted. “She just told me she’s leaving for a while. Going off the grid.”

Panic and guilt clutched my chest, stealing my breath. The Autumn I knew was strong and fierce. Sheneverran away from anything. She faced it head-on with her middle finger up in the air and a “fuck you” attitude.

It hurt to know I was the cause of all of it. It hurt even more to know my chance of fixing things with her was rapidly diminishing with every passing second.

“Well you must knowsomething,” I insisted. I pulled at the collar of my buttoned-up shirt, trying to calm myself. I felt like I couldn’t fucking breathe.

“Nope. Just that she’s boarding a plane tomorrow.”

Tomorrow?!Fear twisted my gut. “I need the information for that flight.Now.”

Elias snorted. “Don’t got it.”

I snarled in frustration. “What do you mean you don’t have it?! She didn’t tell you?”

“She didn’t tell me shit. She didn’t tell me where she was going. What time her flight is. Nothing. Just that she’s leaving and won’t be back for a while.”

I covered my eyes with my hand. “What about the airline, then?”

“Uh,” he let loose a loud burp. “Delta Airlines, I think.”

That would just have to do. “Alright. Thanks.”

“Hang on a minute. Where’s my Johnny Blue?”

“It’s already on the way to you. It’ll arrive within the next few days.”

“It better.”

“Pleasure talking to you, Elias.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Then he hung up.

I slammed the phone down. “Nikolai!” I roared. A few seconds later, my son came bursting into the room.

“What? What’s going on?”

Standing up, I planted my hands on the desk and stared him down with every ounce of my focus. “I need you to get me the CEO of Delta Airlines.”