Page 160 of Bratva Butcher

“Forfuck’s sake!” I went to throw the phone across the room when Aleksandr lunged forward, clasping his hands around mine to stop me. He snatched it out of my grasp with a scowl on his face.

“Here you go. Try mine,” Drea said cheerfully.

“Thank you,” I grumbled.

“Fourth time’s a charm,” Tatiana said encouragingly.

Fingers fucking crossed.

Except it wasn’t, because when I tried to call Autumn’s number again, it just went straight to voicemail. Confusion shot through me. “It’s going straight to voicemail.”

“No rings?” Nikolai asked.

I tried again just to check. “No.”

“Well, usually, that means she’s either turned her phone off or she’s smashed it.”

Are you fucking kidding me?!

Tatiana tapped a manicured finger to her chin. “I don’t think she would have smashed her phone. Most likely turned it off because you kept calling. No one walks around without a phone these days.”

“She could have a burner,” Aleksandr suggested. “Possibly even two or three. She’s an assassin. I highly doubt she has just one phone.”

Drea clicked her fingers. “That’s a good point.”

I looked at Nikolai. “Get me the numbers for those burners.”

My son rolled his eyes. “It doesn’t work like that.”

“Why not?”

“I can’t just look up Autumn’s name and find all the burners she has. They’re burners for a reason. They’re hard to trace back to people.”

Frustration mounted inside me.Why does it have to be so fucking difficult?I just wanted to talk to her. Ineededto talkto her. I needed to apologise and tell her how incredibly sorry I was for what I said. That I didn’t mean a word of it. I was just struggling with my feelings for her and lashed out.

It in no way excused my behaviour or actions. But still, I needed to tell her that.

And beg her for forgiveness.

Whether The Crimson Death would give it to me, I wasn’t sure, but I would beg until she did.

Tatiana straightened, her eyes alight. “Do you know anyone who knows her? That maybe has the numbers for her burners or knows where she could be?”

“Yes, actually.” I got to my feet. “Thank you all for your help. I really appreciate it.”

Tatiana and Drea smiled whereas my sons gave me an odd look. “You’re welcome,” they mumbled, that slightly confused expression mirrored on their faces.

Not wanting to waste any time, I marched to my office and went right to my desk, sitting down. Knowing who I was going to call, I first needed to organise a delivery. Once that was done, I pulled out the Rolodex from the side drawer and flicked through it quickly, looking for a specific card.

When it came to my business associates, I was a little old school. I liked to keep their details off devices and have physical, hard copies. Call me paranoid, but that was what I just preferred.

As soon as I found the number I was looking for, I used the home line to call him.

“What?” he answered with a gruff voice.

“Elias. It’s Dimitri Volkov.”

“Yeah, I know. I have caller ID. What’dya want?”