Page 122 of Bratva Butcher

“Fine,” I grunted, pushing for the advantage. “Nothing of interest to report.”

“Really?” he hummed before gripping me tight.

I realised what he was going to do too late.

He reared back, placing a foot to my chest at the same time as he somersaulted backwards, hurling me over top of him and through the air. I smacked into the ropes and crashed to the ground. He rushed me quickly, striking out with a kick. I used my forearm to block, gritting my teeth through the pain.

“What do you mean,’really?’” I shoved him back and got to my feet again.

He bounced on the tip of his toes, keeping his fists up, guarding his face. “Just that I heard a few things. That’s all.”

“What things?” I demanded.

“Things that involve a red-haired, green-eyed woman.” He arched a knowing eyebrow. I narrowed my eyes and charged him.

I faked left and went right, but Aleksandr was too smart, too quick to fall for that trick. He met me head-on, and we exchanged blow for blow, blocking and then attacking, blocking and then attacking. I threw a punch to his side. He twisted out of the way and returned with a knee strike. I blocked and lashed out with a high kick to his head. He deflected it and took hold of my leg. With a simple twist, he took us to the floor.

“What did you hear?” I growled as we wrestled along the ground, him trying to lock me in a leg lock and me trying desperately to keep out of his grasp. If he got me in any type of hold, it would be over, and not because I would tap. I’d let him break my leg before I let that happen.

“I think you should focus more on the fight, Father,” he mocked. He was seconds away from being able to lock the hold in place, and he knew it. “Talking seems to distract you.”

He was right. But I needed to know what he’d heard.

He couldn’t possibly know about the sex?

Could he?

He straightened my leg, moved into position…Shit, shit, shit.Panic set in, and I heaved with every bit of strength I possessed to try and throw him off balance.

It worked.

He faltered. I punched him in the chest, and then hooked my leg around in a fast roundhouse kick, my calf smacking him in the face. The blow stunned him, and I pressed for the advantage, shoving him to the ground. I wrapped my legs around his arm quickly and then reared back, locking him in a perfect, textbook armbar.

“Arghh! Fuck!” He tried to fight, tried to move to somehow hit me, but I was in the optimal position.

“Tap,” I snarled, pulling back that little bit more. “Tap, or I’ll break it, Aleksandr.”

“Fuck you,” he spat, still fighting.

So much like me.

Of course, I would never follow through with that threat. It was a friendly spar. Not a punishment. In fact, I was a heartbeat away from releasing the hold altogether when, out of nowhere, a blow to the face rocked me, my head snapping back as blood filled my mouth.

I let go instantly and rolled back.What the fuck—

I looked up to see Drea crouched protectively in front of Aleksandr, facing me with a dark, savage look blazing in her eyes.

I flashed my blood-stained teeth in an amused smile.

Alright, you’ve earned my respect. Let’s see how good you are.

I charged her, and she didn’t back away. She met me head-on. I swung a punch, but she ducked under it with plenty of time to spare. She jabbed me in the kidneys and then shot awayreal fucking quick, before I even got the chance to retaliate. Then she was back, delivering a punch to my ribs. I grunted and swung, but she ducked again, missing my strike altogether before springing back up behind me to kick me in the back. I flew forward, pain shooting up my spine.

Fucking hell, she’s fast.

I picked myself back up just in time to block her next attack, bringing an arm up to protect the side of my face. I palm-striked the centre of her chest, and she flew back, rolled into a handstand and then flipped back onto her feet in a second flat.
