"Doubtful." Stephan strokes his chin, seeming troubled. "They're up to something."

"Ja." I sigh, tipping my head back to look up at the night sky. The moon shines brightly overhead, stars peeking from behind tufts of clouds. "When are they not up to something?"

"Good question. Has Damrion returned yet?"

"Nei, not yet. Will everyone be ready when he does?"

Stephan nods. "We'll be ready, Malachi. Everyone knows what to do."

I nod, exhaling a breath as I glance back out over the town we've called home for the last three hundred years. It's sheltered us, fed us, and hidden us. Life hasn't been kind to the Fae. Over and over again, our home has been ripped from us, stolen by the Dark—first Álfheimr and then Valhalla. But we still found a place to belong. Eitr welcomed us, gave us comfort. For three hundred years, she held us close.

My heart twinges at the thought of saying goodbye. But the time has come. When Damrion returns, the Fae are abandoning this realm. It's time to go home to Valhalla.

"I'm going to check on Marion," I murmur, pushing away from the wall to slip back inside. Already, I've been away from her too long. My skin feels tight, my emotions brittle.

I thought I lost her today.

That's a terror I never want to face again…and yet, I know I will. This war is far from over. We may have all five Valkyrie safely in our protection, but we haven't defeated the Dark yet. We haven't freed the trapped souls. There are a million things still yet to do.

For this moment, at least, I don't want to do any of them. I simply want to hold my Valkyrie in my arms and thank the Gods that she's safe.

The front door closes behind me, and all five Valkyrie turn to look at me. Marion is exhausted, I see it written all over her face. She nearly burned herself out today. I felt it—felt the Light consuming her. So did Tori and Rissa. I think it was that alone that gave them the strength to reopen the portal. Their instinctive need to protect their sister overrode everything, just as it always has with the Valkyrie.

The bond they share is incredible. And terrifying. If one falls, they all fall. I'll destroy the realms myself before I allow them to fall. So will their mates. We may not agree on everything—but on this, we're perfectly in sync. They will not fall.

"Valkyrie," I murmur, holding my hand out to Marion. "It's time for you to rest."

"But Malachi, I—"

"No arguments, lyseste ljós. Your sisters can keep watch to prepare for Damrion's return. The five of you have more work to do tonight. I intend for you to be rested before you do it."

She gulps, nodding quickly. Her sisters fall still, varying expressions of awe on their faces as I help pull Marion to her feet.

"Hey, Malachi?" Abigail asks, her voice soft.

I glance down at her.

"Do you really think we can do it?" she whispers. "Reopen the portal to Valhalla, I mean."

"Nei," I say, bending to scoop Marion up in my arms. "I don't think you can do it, ást-meer. I know you can. You were sent by the Gods themselves to do it."

A tiny smile tips her lips up.

I turn, striding for the stairs with my mate in my arms. She rests her head against my shoulder, content to let me hold her.

As soon as the door to our chamber closes behind us, I head for the bathroom with her, settling her on the counter to turn on the shower.

"Are we showering?" she asks, her eyes heating as she watches me.

"Ja." I strip my leathers and steel off, letting it fall to the floor at my feet before I cross to her. My cock throbs, bouncing with every step, but I ignore him, reaching to strip her.

She shivers beneath my touch, her head falling back with a soft moan. I make quick work of her clothes before lifting her into my arms again.

Steam swirls around us as I step into the shower, shutting out the rest of the world.

For long moments, I simply hold her, letting the hot water beat down on us, before she slips her hand down my body, reaching for my erection.

"Nei, Valkyrie." I grab her wrist, halting her.

"Malachi," she protests. "I want to touch you."

"I thought I lost you today, lyseste ljós," I rasp, tipping her head back to meet her gaze. Pain radiates in my voice, running too deep to be easily forgotten. "I felt you burning out."

Her expression falls, guilt burning hot and bright in her eyes. "I felt it too," she admits quietly. "It was too much power to hold without an anchor." Her gaze flits across my face. "You're the reason I didn't burn out."

I tip my head to the side, studying her.