I did a double take. “Beau?” The mic slipped from my hand.
“You have to calm down,” Beau said as I paced the outside patio of the community center. “Yelling at me won’t help.”
“I’m not yelling!” I yelled. “I’m demanding! Why is your beard long and white? Why did your dad threaten me? Why are you Black? And Asian? And old and young and invisible? Explain why I feel like I’m going crazy, and make it quick because there’s a room of three hundred tipsy people waiting to bid on stockings and take off their socks.”
He exhaled. “I’m…I’m…”
“Spit it out!”
He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a growl. “This is going to sound so dumb,” he muttered to himself and then looked me in the eyes. “My father is a very famous saint.”
That mean jerk is a holy guy? “Bull sheet!” Bullshit. Bullshit! “Why can’t I say sheet? I mean sheet.” I stomped my foot.
“You mean s-h-i-t?” he spelled out.
“Yes, that!”
“Because a miracle has happened, and now he wants me to take over for him, which technically makes you…” He paused.
“What?” I snapped.
He came up to me and took my hand. “Meri, the moment I realized what was happening, I wanted to give you space. As much as you needed. Why do you think I tried to keep my distance when you said you wanted to be friends?” He shook his head with an exasperated sigh. “But as much as I want to let this happen at your own pace, I am out of time.”
“Time for what?” I yelled.
“Iamthenextsanikus,” he mumbled.
“Santa Claus,” he said quietly and looked away.
“Excuse me?” I frowned, certain my ears were playing tricks.
“I am supposed to take over after my father completes his deliveries on the twenty-fifth.”
Wait. Is he trying to say…?
I backed away, the edges of my lips curling. “You think your dad is Santa? And you’re next in line for the sleigh?” I doubled over laughing. “You’re right. That’s dumb!” I slapped my knee.
“Hey. This is your fault!” He pointed a finger at me. “I was fine, living my life and ready to accept that there was no magic inside me, that the change would never happen, all because I didn’t believe it was my calling. I mean, how could I? Look at what I did. I was given one chance to run things, and three of our workers died.
“And after searching for ten years for something—anything—to inspire me, to help me find my holiday spirit, I came up empty-handed. I gave up. I couldn’t eat. Couldn’t sleep. I had to take sleeping pills just to close my eyes for an hour. I was losing my mind.” His voice grew tender. “Then I met you, and I slept through the entire night on your couch. The more interactions we had, the better I felt, and before I knew it, I began forgiving myself a little, believing in myself a little. But it was your doing, Meri. Meeting you ignited the spark. It pickled me off at first, because I’d been determined to do this on my own, but you were right there at the exact moment I needed you.”
“Pickled off?”
He shrugged. “Can’t swear.”
“Beau, stop it right now. You’re scaring me.”
“Because this is crazy. Santa isn’t real. He’s a fable.”
“Okay. Fine.” He put his hands on his waist. “You’re right. Your lifetime obsession with Santa means nothing. Definitely not a sign.”
My jaw dropped. “I’m not obsessed romantically.”
He went on, “And your friends are all going crazy because I’m an alien who emits mind-altering gases. That’s what you called me, right?”
I’d said that only to my parents. “You were spying on me?”
“I see everything.” He tapped the side of his head. “Comes with the package. So does the fact that people who don’t believe find it difficult to see or remember me. And those who do believe see the Santa who connects them to their inner Christmas joy.”
Egypt’s Christmas joy was a sexy Asian man? Interesting.
No. No. No. This is crazy. “Stop it. I won’t stand for these freaking lies.” Fucking lies! “Oh gosh.” I covered my mouth and growled. “This non-cussing thing is getting annoying.”
“You can’t swear because, well, it’s naughty,” he explained.
“What does that mean?” I yelled. “Why would my ability to curse be impacted?”
He stepped in close, sliding his hand behind my neck. “Because it’s done.”
I blinked up at him, feeling dizzy. “Done?”
“We’re connected through my love. And you can say anything you like, but you love me, too.”
“No. No, I don’t.” I shook my head.
He flashed a big cocky grin. “Yes, yes, you do.” He kissed me hard, and his warm mouth and tongue lulled me into a state of bliss. His touch made my chest tingle and made my ski slopes slippery.
“What’s happening?” I whispered.
“It seems that despite our stubborn, independent ways, fate has other plans for us.”