What luck. “Seriously? Doing what?”
“Baking, which you know I love. Though, I’ve been doing it all night. They had a big cookie order for a party.”
“That’s great, Beau. Congratulations,” I said tightly, trying not to be mad. “So, is this a full-time gig?” If yes, it meant he planned to stick around. That would be fantastic!
“Could be. Right now, I’m seasonal and part-time.”
Seasonal was okay, too—a step in the right direction.
He added, “I hope you don’t mind me staying with you a few more days?”
Oh, definitely I minded. Seeing his gorgeous face would be torture, but this was what he needed to sort out his life. “You can stay as long as you like.”
“I actually found a room for rent. I can move in as early as next week.”
I blinked. This was incredible news. I mean, renting a room was a commitment to stay put. At least for a while. He just wouldn’t be doing it with me.
I masked the disappointment stirring in my chest. “It’s all happening so fast. I’m really happy for you.”
“You have no idea how fast,” he muttered. “It is all very unexpected.”
“I meant—you have already been so generous, and I cannot rely on you forever. An independent woman like you needs her space to…embrace big life changes. Yes?”
Why did I feel like Beau was speaking in code? “I guess so?”
“Exactly.” His eyes moved to my lips.
Feeling self-aware, I licked them and then regretted it. I didn’t want him to think I was, well, asking him to kiss me, even if right now the only thing I wanted was to throw my arms around the man and shove my tongue down his throat.
“Like I said, I’m here for you.” I smiled warmly. “I just have one ask: could you let me know you’re all right next time?”
He beamed down at me. “Were you worried all night?”
Yes, and I wasted a gallon of gas driving around looking for you in a ditch. “A little.” Suddenly, I remembered the time. “Oh, hey, I have to get to work. Will I see you tonight?”
“I have to be at the bakery around six today.”
In other words, he’d be gone before I got home.
“Oh.” My heart sank a little farther.
“But Meri,” he added sternly, “you do not have to lose sleep over me. I’m fairly resilient at this point in my life. Nothing to worry about.”
I got that he had some serious street smarts, but… “I care about you, so the worrying comes with the territory.”
He stepped in closer, like he maybe wanted to kiss me, but then he stopped himself. “I’ll let you get going. See you tomorrow morning maybe.”
“Sure.” I headed for my truck, feeling completely sunk. I’d hardly get to see him, and then he’d be moving out on his own. At least I’d get to spend time with him this weekend.
“Hey,” he said as I walked away, “I forgot to mention I have to work this weekend, so I can’t go with you. I hope you don’t mind.”
Crap. My stomach filled with concrete blocks made of solid disappointment.
Maybe it was all for the best. We were just friends, after all. Not lovers. Not a couple. Not anything more than two people who’d met next to a dumpster in an alley and almost had unforgettable sex.
“No worries!” I waved over my shoulder. “You can always come home with me for Christmas.”
I winced as I kept walking to my truck. I’d sounded so desperate. There’s always Christmas, Beau. Blah, blah, blah, I mocked myself. I’m not planning your future like a sad, lonely woman.
The worst part was that he’d said nothing in return. And why should he? I’d friend-zoned him, and he’d friend-zoned me right back.
But what choice did I have? He was who he was—a man who’d grown accustomed to being a leaf in the wind—and I didn’t want to love someone who’d break my heart. All that aside, I’d wanted to see him happy and start building a life for himself. Now he was happy. Or, at least, he was taking steps to get there.
So then why was I feeling miserable all of a sudden? Maybe because each step he took led further away from me.
“Meri, got any plans tonight?” Shawna asked at the end of the day Friday. “We’re all going to a holiday karaoke thing near the marina. You can bring Beau if you want.”
I barely looked at her, feeling glummer than ever. “I have to drive to my folks’ place tonight, remember?” In fact, I needed to leave right about now if I wanted to make it before the next snowstorm rolled in tonight.
“I completely forgot. Is Beau going with you?” she asked.
I wish. “No, he has to work this weekend. He got a job baking.”
“I love a Black man who can bake.” She paused. “Or any man who can cook, honestly. Queen Shawna doesn’t discriminate when it comes to good food.”