I looked away. “This is the last thing I needed right now.” More confrontation.

“Would you trust me for once?” She began shoving me out toward the living room.

I immediately spotted Shawna wearing big orange overalls with slices of pie printed all over them.

Shawna waved, which was a surprise.

I walked over to greet her. “Hey. Happy Thanksgiving. Didn’t know you’d be here,” I said cheerfully.

“I ran into Kay at the store.” She gave me a hug.

“It’s great you came,” I said, trying to do my best not to let this get weird.

“I don’t know about that.” She chuckled. “I caught Kay buying gravy in a jar.”

Trust me. That’s better than the alternative. “What she lacks in the culinary arts, she makes up for in people skills,” I said.

“Unlike me?” Shawna said.

“I didn’t say that.”

“You should.” Shawna took my hand. “I’m really sorry about the way I’ve been acting. I can’t believe what a rude bitch I’ve been.”

I shrugged. “I deserved it.”

“No. You didn’t. I should’ve thought about all the years you’ve been such a solid friend. You have the biggest heart in the world, and you never ask for anything except to show up to your place once a year and sing and eat. Maybe puke a little, too, to make room for dessert. But you’re a good person, and I’m sorry for treating you like garbage.”

I drew a breath. It felt good to hear. “Apology accepted. That is if you’ll forgive how I acted at game night.”

“Not your best moment, but it wasn’t me you hurt. It was your friend Beau.”

“I know. And I tried to apologize again, but he disappeared. Now I’ll have to spend the rest of eternity feeling like a turd.”

Her eyes darted over my shoulder. “Good thing I bumped into him on the way here and brought him along. Kay insisted when I called ahead to make sure she had room for one more.”

He was here? Now?

I turned my head. Standing behind me was a tall, hot drink of holiday goodness. His sweater was red and white striped with a pumpkin in the middle.

His blue eyes locked on my face.

“Beau?” I threw my arms around his neck. “Thank God.”

He slowly pried me off.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” I said. “I’m so, so sorry about what I said.”

“I know.”

“You’re not angry?” I asked.


“Then why did you leave like that?”

“It was time to go,” he said.

I was about to ask where he’d run off to, but I suddenly remembered his package. “Some guy stopped by the day you disappeared. He left a package.”

His smile melted away into smashed lips and furrowed brows. “Where is it?”

“At my place.”

“Let’s go.” He stepped around me, heading for the door.

I stayed put. “Kay really worked hard. I can’t—”

“I need that package.” His hand was on the doorknob. “Let’s go.”

Wow. His reaction was unexpectedly harsh. “There was just a note inside.”

“You opened it?” He came over and glared down at me.

Uh-oh. I had to come clean, but he wasn’t going to be happy. “I was hoping it would tell me where you—”

“What did it say?”

“Sorry?” I said.

“I know you read it.”

Dammit. How does he know? I stalled for a second and then flubbered out a breath. “It said you weren’t forgiven, and that if you ever wanted to see her again, you needed to step up because the clock was ticking. Who is she, Beau?”

His handsome face turned into a blank sheet. Maybe he was stunned. Or hurt? I couldn’t tell.

“Beau, I am sorry for reading the letter, but you can trust me if you need hel—”

He turned and walked right out the front door.

“Beau! Wait!” I didn’t want him to disappear again.

I glanced over my shoulder toward the kitchen. I can’t ditch this dinner, but…

I rushed to find Kay. “Hey, um, I’ll be right back, okay. Beau just left.”

“Already? What happened?”

“I’m not sure, but don’t start eating without me.” I rushed outside to go find Beau.

I finally caught up to Beau and his long legs one block down from Kay’s building. He looked like a man who needed to be left alone, stomping his way down the sidewalk in the dark, but I had to find out what was happening.

I came up behind him. “Where are you going?”

He kept walking as cars zoomed by, hitting me in the face with their headlights. “Go back to your party, Meri.”

“It’s freezing out here. Let’s go inside and talk.”

“Why? What will talking accomplish?” He continued marching along.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’ll make you feel better. I mean, if my dad were holding someone hostage to punish me, I’d have a lot to say about it.”

He finally stopped and turned to face me. “Hostage? What are you talking about?”

I stopped, too. “His letter said if you wanted to see her again, you’d have to try harder. Who is she?” I asked.