“So? What’s your theory?” I asked Shawna toward the end of the day, after I filled her in on all the details.

“My money’s on him being a drug mule or working for the mob as some money-laundering go-between.”

I nodded, thinking it over. “The package. He was really concerned about being there to receive it.”

“Exactly,” she said.

“But then why live in an alley?”

“Maybe he’s trying to keep a low profile. Who knows?” She tsked. “But, Meri, what the hell were you thinking letting him stay with you? Twice! What if I’m wrong and the package is a head? A big bloody, detached head.”


“Can you prove me wrong?” she replied.

“He’s not a head trafficker.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not like they just carry them around, Meri. He would have hiding places around the city.”

“He doesn’t deal noggins. Okay? And I’m being serious. There’s something about this guy that’s different. And I’m not just talking about the five-hundred-dollar sweater, the mystery package, or the very suspicious breakfast.”

“What about it?” she asked.

“He bought groceries this morning and then made breakfast. Pretty delicious, too.”

Her eyes went wide. “You ate it?”

“Yeah, why?”

“What if he’d poisoned the food?”

“He’s not a psycho killer,” I barked, though I wasn’t entirely sure about it.

“Well, I agree with you about one thing; he doesn’t sound normal.”

“Exactly,” I said.

“I’m having some friends over tonight. Why don’t you bring him so I can check him out?”

“To game night?” Ugh, I hated game night. Shawna and her friends were way too competitive, which was why I never went. But then again, maybe she could crack this mystery. “I’ll see if I can convince him to go. But be nice.”

“Never. It’s game night.” She pointed at me. “But if your man is hiding something big, my friends and I will figure it out. We’re all about the puzzles.”

She had an excellent point. “See you at eight.”

After work, I found Beau in the alley, assembling a new red tent. And not a cheap one either. It was a well-known brand for extreme conditions, used by climbers.

Where did he get the money? I had to unlock the mystery that was Beau before it drove me crazy.

“So you in?” I asked. “And before you answer, I’m only asking because I can’t hurt Shawna’s feelings. She’s a really, really good friend, but I hate game night. I suck at trivia and drawing and all that crap. Also, they’re usually all paired up, and it makes my presence awkward. So what do you say? It’ll only be a few hours.”

He glanced my way several times, only half listening to me. “I really can’t.”

“Oh, the package. You have to wait.”

“Sadly, no. The window closed.”

Huh? “What window?”

“They only deliver on specific days. If at all. Never mind.”

“Sorry. Sorry,” I groveled. “I know how you feel about people prying.”

“Yet you seem to be unable to resist.”

True, but did he have to throw it in my face? “She lives in a terrible neighborhood. You wouldn’t want me to go alone, would you?”

He stood straight up and planted a hand on his trim waist. “Are you just saying that so I’ll go?”


He shook his head at me.

“Okay,” I huffed. “She lives in a great apartment. Not as charming as mine because it’s missing a man in a red tent, but no place is perfect.” I smiled big, showing him all of my pearlies.

“You are a very, very strange woman.”

“Says the man who’s living next to my garbage. So will you come? It’s not like you have anything else to do, right?”

“I have a book I’m reading,” he said.

“Which one?”

“A Christmas Carol. I read it every year.”

“A Dickens man.” Hot. “Okay. Well, I get it. I’ll just have to continue my losing streak alone, then.” I turned toward the gate.

“Are you implying that I would lose?”

I looked back at him over my shoulder. “Would you?”


“Guess we’ll never know for sure, will we?”

He shook his head. “You are a terrible manipulator, but I will go.”

“You will?” My stomach felt all tingly.

He nodded woefully.

“Yay!” I clapped, jumping up and down. “See you out front in an hour?”


“Thank you, Beau.”

“Do not mention it,” he said dryly.

I made my way upstairs, feeling giddy until I remembered that I was bringing him to Shawna’s under false pretenses. She and her friends were going to try to sniff out the truth about who he was.

I called Shawna, but it went to voicemail. “Hey, it’s Meri. Um, I’m bringing Beau with me, but let’s just scrap that whole thing about making him the puzzle to solve tonight. Maybe it’s better I don’t know. See you soon. Bye.”


“You seem nervous,” Beau said as we drove toward Shawna’s place about fifteen minutes away. She lived near the lake, close to the private marina. “Are you worried about bringing me to meet your friends?”

“Why would I be nervous?”