“No. No!” Piper wailed. “Don’t do this to me.”
I laughed, feeling a twinge of satisfaction in her suffering. If she wanted to deny me what I needed, then let her life be a hell she could not escape. What did I care?
My soldiers came over and took her by the arms, prying her off me.
Piper looked up with her hazel eyes and licked her plump lips. “At least fuck me before they take me back.”
My eyes glided down her soiled, naked body. Even in her state of filth, her form made my cock stir. The small plump breasts, the wide hips, and the lines of her soft neck. She was my only temptation. Perhaps because I could not control her. Despite all my power, she would not submit and remember. I hated her for it as much as I admired her strength. For this reason alone, I savored toying with her, torturing her, making her grovel.
She batted her golden eyelashes. “I am yours. I will always be yours. Anything you want, Draco. Take it.”
I pulled out my hardening cock. “Turn her around,” I commanded my soldiers.
“Draco?” I heard Piper mutter next to me, the sound of the plane’s engines whirring. I sat up straight and drew a sharp breath. Piper was sound asleep, her eyes darting back and forth under her lids.
My heart was pumping with adrenaline, and a sick feeling twisted my stomach. The scene in her head had been sadistic and dark.
“Draco?” she muttered again.
“What is it I want you to remember, Piper? Tell me.” There must be some meaning to her vicious dreams. “What am I asking you to remember?”
Her hand slid across my thigh and latched onto my cock through my jeans. My body jarred from her touch, and the blood rushed to the organ. I drew a slow breath as she began rubbing her palm against me.
“Jesus, Piper,” I mumbled. She had no idea what she was doing, but I knew. She was playing with a man who’d soon be fighting for every last inch of his soul.
I gently pushed her hand away. I could already take anything from anyone—their money, possessions, and even their lives—and they’d give it willingly with a smile if I asked. With every passing moment, I grew stronger, and it was wrong for one man to have this much power.
Nature, as cruel as she might be sometimes, always sought balance. The fastest predators could easily kill the weakest of the herd, but not the strongest, thereby ensuring the herd’s survival along with the predators. These puts and takes were essential to the survival of all living creatures, and my gifts were well outside the bounds of what was safe for the world. No one should have this much power.
Unfortunately, as I’d already realized, if I wanted to stop Ten Club and the Seers, I had to be able to go up against them, their money, their influence, and their otherworldly powers. I just prayed my own power wouldn’t change me, that I would not fall into temptation and start taking things simply because I wanted them.
I looked down. Piper’s delicate hand returned, wrapping around my shaft.
“Why does being good have to be so difficult?” This time, I lifted her hand and placed it in her lap.
“Piper, if you can hear me,” I whispered, “do not try that again. Next time, I might not stop you, and you do not want a man like me.” Because maybe someday, despite my best efforts, I might turn into the monster from her dreams.
She turned her head away and muttered, “You can’t stop it, Draco. Nothing can.”
What did she mean? “Piper.” I gave her shoulder a nudge, and her eyes fluttered open. “Why did you say that?”
She scrubbed her face with her hands. “Say what?”
“You said I cannot stop it.”
She yawned. “I don’t know. I was dreaming.”
“Yes. I know. Tell me what you were dreaming about. What can’t I stop?”
She pulled her head back. “Draco, I don’t know.”
“Try to remember. It’s important.” My own words tripped me, realizing I was asking her to do the very thing I’d seen in her dream.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember.”
“I’m ordering you to do it,” I pushed.
She tilted her head and smirked. “Okay, buddy. You just keep telling yourself I’m an order taker. Good luck with that.”
Maybe that was the key. I had the power to take her memories but not give them back. Earlier at her house, I’d also attempted to make her remember. No luck.
Fuck. This meant that her dreams held some truth. But how much? Were those images our fate, or did I still have time to stop it?
Piper placed her hand over mine atop the armrest. “It’s going to be okay, Draco.”
Was the worry on my face that obvious? “I still don’t know what the triggering event is. What makes me turn against the entire world?”