“Tell me where to find him,” said the man.
“I don’t know,” I replied.
“Piper, look at me. Look hard at what you see.”
I was looking. I saw a man who terrified me, and I didn’t know why.
I blinked, and suddenly we were in a dark room. Draco lay bleeding from the neck on the concrete floor behind me.
“Move, Piper,” the man ordered.
“No. I won’t let you kill him. He’s like this because of you! You and Jeni. You turned your backs on him. You locked him away where no one held him or loved him. Who the fuck does that to a baby?”
“He’ll be the fucking end of everything, including what is left of your family, if I do not stop him. But there is more at stake than those who survived his night of terror. There are the ones who have earned their eternal peace, and he will take them, too. All to fuel his thirst for power.”
I lifted my chin in defiance. “You never gave him a chance to find another path. You owe him that. Because the great King, of all people, should know we make our own luck. We make our fate.”
The intense rage in his eyes flickered for a moment, only to return more determined. “I am sorry, Piper. Move out of my way, or your life ends here. With his.”
“Piper,” Draco gurgled out his words, blood flowing from his mouth, “remember.”
“Remember what?” I blinked and was back in my foyer, staring at the man in the black suit.
“You’re his…” I tried to form the next word in my head, and then it went away. A blank slate.
“I am his what?” the man asked.
I shook my head. “I-I don’t know.” My temples were pounding.
“Enough games, Piper. I am your king. You are a Spiros. You will do as I say and tell me where Draco went.”
What the hell was he talking about?
“I’m calling the police.” I moved to shut the door and lock it so I could dig out my cell, but the man rushed after me, slamming the door behind us.
His hand dashed to my throat and squeezed. “Why are you disobeying me? I have returned. I am the rightful king. You are compelled to obey…” His cold eyes narrowed, staring deeply into mine. He released me. “You are not a Spiros. Not by blood.”
How did he know I was adopted? And why did being a Spiros make him believe I’d obey him? He’d said he was my king.
He continued staring. “And you have the Seer gene.” He looked like he’d been punched in the gut. “I do not understand. Draco’s mother was supposed to be the last.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if you don’t leave in two seconds, I’m calling the cops. I have cameras all over the property, which means they’ll have your photo.” The security system had been Leo’s idea. Half the time, I forgot it was there.
I stared at the man’s unusually handsome face, and something sparked. He looks like Draco.
“Miss Spiros, I can tell from your ignorant thoughts that your family has done you a great disservice and concealed many facts. So trust me when I say you are in over your head.”
“Who are you?”
“I am King. The man who has avoided hell for thousands of years. Now decide. Do you wish to join me there on my final journey? Because if you help Draco, that will be your fate. One last time, Piper, where is my son?”
Yesterday, after I had explored Piper’s memories, I discovered that the prior owner of the house had also owned a warehouse and building downtown. I went to the county recorder’s office and persuaded the young man who worked there to check for more information. It was all public record, but truth be told, I did not know how to use a computer. I could barely make a call with my phone. On, off, dial, send, and end. That was the extent of my experience despite having memories of owning a cell phone in my dream life. Perhaps I should have stuck around for that documentary.
After obtaining the information on the properties, I went to visit both. They were owned by a company called TC Holdings, but there was little information on what the company did.
I anticipated needing to use my skills on the current occupants to have a look around; however, when I arrived at each location, the buildings were vacant.
So I broke in.
Between the two properties, there wasn’t a scrap of paper, furniture, or otherwise. Whoever had occupied these buildings made sure to clean thoroughly.
It was suspicious, but not surprising.
Like I already knew, my family had gone to great lengths to conceal who they were, their motives, and where to find them. Which was why I questioned the breadcrumbs left behind at the records office. A trap perhaps?