“Yes!” they say together with a loud cheer.
“All right, I’m going to give you each a cup of cheese and I need you to spread it over top of the broccoli.”
Rayne wrinkles up her nose. “It’s yucky.”
“What?” I gasp as if she hurt my feelings. “This is my favorite. It’s all cheesy goodness. You have to try it. But if not, that’s okay. That leaves more for me.”
“I like cheese,” Rayne says thoughtfully.
“And then we have these crackers that are soaked in butter that goes on top. I’m telling you, this is the best.”
“I guess I can try it,” Rayne concedes.
I look up to find Briar watching us and wink at her. She smiles and shakes her head. I just convinced our picky eater to try her vegetables. Sure, I had to smother it in cheese and buttered crackers, but broccoli casserole is still better than no vegetables. Baby steps and all that.
A few hours later, my sister, Rome, Lilly, and Brogan all show up, each bringing desserts. They chat with the girls while Briar and I pull everything out of the oven. After I carve the ham, I call out, “Time to eat!” The girls come rushing in, and I get them set up with a plate while Briar gets their drinks. Everyone is seated around the table, and I can’t help but get choked up.
This is what life is all about. The moments with the people you love. We eat and laugh, and it’s a day I’ll always remember.
Once our plates are empty, I stand from the table. “Thanksgiving hasn’t always looked like this. It used to be just Emerson and me. We would celebrate the day after with our friends, and it was perfect for us. Life changed, and my baby sister went and fell in love with my best friend. Now they’re married and have a beautiful little girl, and it isn’t just us anymore.
“Now, here we are, and life has changed again. This time, it’s me who is no longer alone. This time, I’m adding the love of my life, our daughters, and her sister to our family.” I swallow back the lump in my throat, and it hits me.
Now is the time.
I wasn’t planning to do this today, but the moment feels right.
Stepping away from the table, I kneel next to Briar, and she turns to face me. Her eyes widen when she sees me on one knee. “I love you. I love our daughters. I love my new sister.” I toss a wink at Brogan, and she smiles, tears in her eyes. I glance at my sister, and she, too, is blinking back tears. Good. They know where this is going.
“You brought life back to this place, to me. I was lonely. I was happy for Rome and Em, but I missed having life in this big house. You and the girls, you changed that. Now there is the sound of little feet padding down the hall, giggles, so many giggles, and love. So much love.
“I never want that to change. I want this feeling to last a lifetime. I want all the holidays and all the moments just like this one.” Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the ring I’ve been carrying around for weeks, waiting for the moment to feel right.
“I bought this the week after I came home from the hospital. I’ve been carrying it with me everywhere I go, just waiting for the time to be right. This moment, surrounded by those we love most, feels right to me. On a day that we give thanks, I need you to know that I’m thankful for you. I just have one question, baby.” I smile up at her and wink. “Are you ready to be my wife? Will you marry me?”
Tears coat her cheeks, and she nods. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.” She smiles through her tears. Damn, this moment, it’s the first day of my forever with my girls—all three of them. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy or this hopeful for what’s yet to come.
I slide the ring onto her finger and kiss her. Knowing that the girls are watching, I pull back far sooner than I’d like.
“Forrest?” River asks.
“What’s up, Razzle?” I ask her.
“Are you marrying me and sissy too?” she asks.
The adults laugh, and I smile, keeping my eyes locked on my little girl. “Forever,” I tell her.
“Forrest?” This time it’s Rayne.
“Dazzle.” I smile at her.
“Can you be our daddy, ’cause we don’t gots one?”
It's my turn to blink back tears. “Come here,” I croak. The girls scramble out of their seats and come to me. I wrap them both in a hug, and just let the moment sink in.
I’m a father. The moment chokes me up.
I pull back and clear my throat. “I already am,” I tell them.