That leaves me.

“Girls, climb over here so we can make room for your momma.” Rayne carefully climbs over and settles next to River. “Come here, Momma.” Forrest pats the side of the bed.

Cautiously, I sit so that I’m facing him. I try to speak, but the words won’t come. Instead, all I can do is cry. “Baby, I’m okay.”

“Mommy, Forty is better,” River says, trying to console me.

“I was scared,” I finally say, more for the girls’ benefit than my own.

“I can’t imagine what you went through when you got the news, but I’m fine. I have a bump on my head that needed a couple of stitches, whiplash, and I’ll be sore for a few days, and the bruising will get worse, but I’m okay.”

“All I could think about was our lives without you in it. It’s not a vision I ever want to have in my head again,” I say, wiping at my cheeks.

“Knock, knock,” Brogan says. “Hey, Forrest, I’m glad to hear you’re going to be okay.”

“Yeah, me too. Thanks,” he says.

“Girls, guess what?”

“What?” they ask.

“They have this cool machine that dispenses hot chocolate, and you get to watch. Want to come get one with me?”

“We love hot chocolate,” Rayne says.

Brogan chuckles. “I know you do. Come on, let your mom and Forrest talk, and we’ll see about a hot chocolate and some snacks. You know what else?”

“What?” they ask.

“Maddox and Lachlan are out in the waiting room, and they’re lonely. We better go keep them company.”

“Oh, no!” Forrest gasps. “Girls, you better go keep them company. Those two might get into trouble if they get too lonely.”

“Let’s go, sissy!” Rayne says.

“Wait. I need another hug.”

They oblige and give him another hug before Brogan helps them off the bed. “Thanks, Brogan,” I call after my sister. She turns around and nods. She knew I’d need some time. Time to express my feelings without scaring the girls.

I love my sister.

Once the door closes, I turn back to Forrest. The tears start to fall again. No matter how many times I blink them away, they still fall.

“I’m okay,” Forrest says soothingly.

“You’re not okay. You’re in the emergency room with a bandage on your head and bruises all over your face. That’s not okay.”

“I’m just fine. Nothing that won’t heal.”

“You can’t leave us. You can’t. I—I can’t think about a life without you in it.”

Forrest tilts his head to the side and raises his hand to cradle my cheek. He studies me for far too long before he gruffly asks, “Are you ready?”

I don’t even have to think about my answer. I’ve known for a while now that I was ready, but I was letting lingering fears hold me back. I realized today that my fear could have kept him from knowing how I feel. I promised myself that if he made it through this, I would never hold back again.


A slow, sexy smile crosses his face. “Briar Pearce, you are the love of my life. I’m madly in love with you. I want to spend forever with you, raising our daughters and any future children we might have. I love you.”

More tears. This time they’re accompanied with a smile. “I love you, too, Forrest Huntley. I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you.”

“I could feel it, Briar. I could feel your love in every look, every touch, every smile.” He traces his thumb over my lips. “I could feel it. I didn’t need your words, baby.”

“I—me too. Every single day.”

“And forever,” he says. “Now come here and kiss me.”

“You’re hurt.”

“I’ll hurt worse if I don’t get your lips on mine. Come here, baby.”

Needing to feel his lips on mine, I do as he says and lean in close. I kiss him softly as he murmurs, “I love you.” My heart is full, so full it could crack from how happy I am.

“I needed you. There was a reason I was compelled to raise the girls here in Ashby. It was more than just the connection to my dad. It was you. The universe knew I needed your kind heart, your strong hands, and your patience. You brought me back to life, Forrest.”

“I could say the same. I needed you too. I had this big old house, and it was lonely. It was made for a family, and I wanted one of my own desperately. Then I found you and our girls. I can’t wait until you move in with me.”

“You want us to move in with you?”

“I do. I have the space for all of us, and any more kids we should have. My sister is next door, and Monroe and Legend are right across the street.”

“I don’t know if I can leave Brogan.”

He nods. “I’m sure that’s something the two of you will need to talk about, but I’m ready when you are. If you really want to live somewhere else, we can. I just assumed you’d move in with me.”