Something slams into the back of my truck, causing me to spin. My head bounces off the airbag as my truck comes to a stop. It takes me a few minutes to process what just happened. I blink a few times and look through the windshield. A man climbs out of a dump truck before jogging toward me. He pulls open my door in a rush, his eyes panicked.

“I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Of course you’re not okay. I lost brakes. I couldn’t stop,” he rambles. “Shit, you’re bleeding. I need to call 9-1-1.” He places the call and tells them what happened. They told him to not let me move until the paramedics get here.

I’m queasy, and lightheaded, and my head is pounding, but other than that, I feel fine. I reach for my phone in the cupholder and wince at the stiffness my body is already feeling, but my phone’s not there.

“Can I use your phone?”

“Sure. Anything you need.” The man hands me his phone, but my vision is still blurry. “Can you call Everlasting Ink? Tell them Forrest was in a car accident.” As soon as the words are out, the paramedics arrive on the scene. I hear them tell the man they’re taking me to the county hospital, and for him to relay the message. I don’t know who he reached at the shop, but I know they’ll get ahold of Briar and then they’ll all be there.

I’m loaded on a stretcher, even though I feel fine, and was able to climb out of the truck on my own. They’re insisting that I go get checked out, and I know my sister and my girls will be pissed if I refuse, so I comply and stop complaining.

This is not the end of my day that I was hoping for, but at least I made it out with just a scratch or whatever the hell is making my head bleed, and from the stiffness of my neck, I suspect some whiplash. It could have been much worse.




I’m just finishing up for the day when there’s a knock at the door. The girls are sitting on the couch with their bears Forrest won them at the county fair last month. They’ve got them wrapped up in blankets, and they are pretending to feed them with bottles from their baby dolls. I smile because they love those bears and refuse to go to sleep at night without them.

Moving toward the door, I pull it open, expecting to see Forrest, but it’s Roman standing there. “Hey, Roman. What can I do for you?”

“Are the girls here?” he asks.

“They are,” I answer him cautiously.

“Okay, we’ll take your car.”

“Take my car where?” I’m confused, and Roman is being evasive, which puts me on edge.

He sighs. “Forrest was in an accident.”

“What?” My heart drops to the floor. Fear and panic wash over me. “What do you mean? Where is he? Is he okay?” I ramble off questions, not giving him time to answer.

“I don’t know much. I know he was awake and talking to the man who hit him. He asked him to call the shop to let us know.”

The man who hit him!

“Where is he?” Fear slides over me. I can’t lose him. I can’t. Before Roman can answer, I call out, “Girls, I need you to put on your shoes and grab your coats.” I rush around, pulling open the closet door, removing our coats, and sliding into mine.

“Where are we going?” River asks.

“Oh, hi, Rome,” Rayne says.

“Girls, we’re going to take a ride. Everyone will be there when we get there. But I need you to listen to your mom, and let’s get your shoes and coat on,” Roman explains.

“Can we take our bears?” River asks.

“You bet you can.” He gets to work helping the girls into their shoes and coats while I race to get my phone and purse.

“Keys?” Roman holds his hand out, and I don’t try to argue. I’m too emotional to drive.

“Come on, girls.” I usher them out to the car, barely holding on to my tears, and get them strapped into their seats.

Once they’re safe, I hop into the passenger seat and try to buckle myself, but my hands are shaking. Roman reaches over and does it for me. He places his hand over mine.

“He’s going to be okay.”

“He has to be,” I say, my voice cracking as I lose my battle with my tears.

“Mommy, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” River asks.

“Mommy, I don’t like it when you cry,” Rayne says. Her voice quivers, and I know I need to hold it together for them, but I just can’t do that right now. I’m scared out of my mind.

Roman glances over at me, and I shake my head. I can’t tell them.

“Can I?” he asks, and all I can do is nod again. “Girls, there’s been an accident. Forrest has a boo-boo, and we’re going to go visit him.”