“Hey, you. This is a nice surprise.” Briar leans in for a kiss, then steps back, allowing me to step into the house.

I lift the bags of takeout. “I brought lunch.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I’m off today. I have to meet Legend at the new build site later, but until then, lunch, and I thought I could occupy the girls so you could get some work done.”

“They know Mommy is working, and it’s easier with two because they have someone to play with and talk to.”

“Well, now they get me.” I kiss her again. “Girls!” I call out.

They come racing down the hall, their little feet padding on the hardwood floor, echoing throughout the house as they rush me. With a twin on each leg, yelling “Hello,” I can’t hide my smile, only to look up and find Briar watching us with a soft expression.

“Never gets old, the excitement they have over seeing me.” I shake my head, still in disbelief that these three are in my life. I’ll never take a single day with them for granted.

“What’s that?” Rayne asks, pointing toward the bag.

“I brought lunch. Grilled cheese and french fries for my Razzle and Dazzle, and buffalo chicken wraps and Saratoga chips for your mom and me.”

“Let’s go.” River pulls on my free hand, tugging me into the dining room.

Once we reach the table, I start taking food out of the bag, while Briar gets our drinks. Within a few minutes, we’re sitting down having lunch together. I live for days like this. There is nothing I would rather do than spend time with my girls.

“How’s your day going?” I ask Briar.

“Same old. Medical billing isn’t the most riveting career, but it keeps the lights on.”

“What would you do if you could do anything?”

“Honestly, this. I wouldn’t change it for anything. I’ve been able to have a career and raise my girls. Sure, it’s tough, and there are lots of nights I have to keep working once they’re in bed, but I have that time with them, and that’s what’s important.”

“What about next year when they go to school?” I ask her.

“It will be easier. I can be here to take them to and from school, and the entire day will be quiet. I should be able to get more done in that time.”

I’m immediately thinking about building her an office in the basement at my house. A space just for her. I back away from those thoughts. She’s not there yet, but she’s getting there.

“We want to ride our bikes, but Mommy said we have to wait until later,” River says, shoving a fry into her mouth.

“Why don’t I take you out after we eat? That will give your mommy some time to work. I don’t have anywhere I need to be until later in the afternoon.”

“Can we, Mommy?” they ask.

“Of course,” Briar answers.

The girls chatter on about riding their bikes and about how they’re trying to remove their training wheels. Briar and I just listen to them and comment when they give us a chance to. They shovel in their food because they know I’ll tell them that’s gotta happen before we go outside and play.

“Done,” Rayne says with her mouth full of her last bite of grilled cheese.

“Me too,” River says, doing the same, only hers is fries.

“Go get your jackets and play shoes,” Briar tells them. The words are barely out of her mouth before the girls are scrambling from their chairs and racing to do as they’re told.

“You sure you don’t mind taking them outside for a while?”

“Positive. I have to meet Legend later, but until then, I want nothing more than to spend time with the girls. Maybe you can get caught up on work, and we can take them for pizza or something tonight after I’m finished?”

“We can do that. Sounds like the perfect way to end the work week.”

“Agreed. I do have to work tomorrow, but I don’t go in until nine.”

“I’ll try not to keep you up too late.” She smirks.

I love this side of her, the playful side. “Who needs sleep?” I ask, leaning over and sneaking a kiss.

“Forty! We’re ready!”

“You better go before they come looking for you.”

I start to gather our trash.

“Go on. I got this.”

“You sure?”


I lean in for another kiss before going to find the girls. They’re in the living room with their jackets and their play shoes on. “Are you ready?” I ask them.

“Yes!” They jump and cheer.

“Let’s do it.” I lead them to the garage and open the door, pulling out their matching bikes with training wheels. It’s the beginning of October, so there’s a chill in the air. Nothing I can’t handle, and the girls don’t seem to mind it, either, as they race their bikes up and down the driveway. I watch them closely and praise them when they show me how fast they can turn or pedal. I’m smiling so much my face hurts.