I have two daughters. I’m a dad.
“Forrest!” The girls come rushing over.
“Razzle, Dazzle.” I bend and open my arms, accepting a hug from them. “What’s up, ladies?” I ask them.
“Mommy said the fireworks are now.”
“We’re getting close.”
“Who needs a gym when you have twin four-year-olds with unlimited energy?” Briar huffs out as she joins us. She holds up a blanket. “Grabbed one for us.”
“Where are we doing this?” Monroe asks, her own blanket in her hands.
“I don’t know, but I’m ready,” Maggie says.
“Do you think we have time for popcorn?” Maddox asks.
The girls giggle. “Mad, we don’t eat popcorn with fireworks,” Rayne explains.
“Oh, we don’t?”
“No, silly.” River laughs.
“I don’t have a blanket.” He pouts. “And now I don’t get popcorn.”
“Aunt Brogan has a blanket,” River says helpfully. “She’ll share with you. It’s nice to share, right, Aunt Brogan?”
“That’s right, sweetie,” Brogan replies. “Although, I think Maddox should ask nicely.”
“Mad, you have to ask nicely,” Rayne repeats helpfully.
“Brogan, can I please share your blanket?” Maddox asks.
“Hmm, I don’t know. Was that nice enough?” Brogan goads him.
I know my best friend, and he’s going to go over the top if for no other reason than to make the twins laugh. The little twins, hell, maybe even the older ones.
Maddox dramatically drops to his knees and clasps his hands together, peering up at Brogan. “Brogan, will you please do me the honor of sharing your blanket with you?”
“Maddox!” River and Rayne are in a fit of giggles.
Maddox winks at them and climbs to his feet. “What about now?” he asks Brogan.
“He was so nice, Aunt Brogan,” River defends.
“Fine,” Brogan grumbles, while Maddox high-fives River and Rayne. “Besides, I have a big blanket. Maggie and Lachlan can share with us too.” She smirks at Maddox, and he shakes his head with a smile.
We all lay out our blankets on the lawn and sit back, getting ready for the show. Briar and I have the girls with us. Emerson and Roman are snuggled up with Lilly. Monroe and Legend are together, Maddox is sharing with Brogan, and so are Legend and Maggie.
The twins are lying between Briar and me, and I know this is another one of those moments with them that I’ll always remember. We feel like a family.
We are a family.
The girls ooh and ahh over the show. Lilly does great, bouncing on Roman’s belly. She seems to be scared at first, but when she sees we’re all relaxed, she settles down.
Today has been a great day. Lots of memories, lots of love, and so much more to come.
Everyone has gone home, and the mess from the party is all cleaned up. The girls are nestled in their beds. Brogan and Maggie went to Get Hammered, the local bar in town, with Maddox and Lachlan. That leaves Briar and me.
“What a great day,” Briar says, from her place beside me on the couch.
“It was a great day. Thank you for letting us invade your space.”
She nods. “It was a lot of fun.”
“You and the girls both seemed to be enjoying yourselves. You seem more… relaxed lately.” I’d like to think it’s because she’s secure in what we have, but I’m not sure that’s it. Something has changed over the last couple of weeks.
“I’ve been talking to someone. Brogan has too.”
“We’ve been doing these virtual therapy sessions. It’s still early, but I don’t know, something about talking about it, not hiding behind that night. It’s… freeing.”
“Baby, I’m so fucking proud of you.” Reaching over, I lift her from her place and set her on my lap. “I love to see you taking care of yourself. Brogan too. Am I allowed to tell her that the next time I see her?”
She snuggles into my chest. “Yeah, she’ll be here in the morning when we wake up.”
She can’t see it, but there’s a wide smile on my face. This woman has made leaps and bounds by trusting me with her heart. She’s been through hell, and she’s fighting to come out on the other side and not let her past define her future.
“Thank you. I don’t know that I ever would have taken that step if you hadn’t come into our lives. I never thought I would feel safe with a man. You changed that. You make me want to be better. Not just for you, but for me, and my girls, and my sister. I’ve realized that Brogan has put her life on hold for me and the girls. She was there that night, and she has survivor's guilt, and I don’t want that for her. I want her to be happy and healthy. I want her to find someone… like you. Someone who will hold her in their arms, and just being there, she’ll know everything is going to be okay.”
“She’ll find him,” I say with confidence.