“I have broad shoulders. I want you to lean on me, and use my strength. I want to help you find yourself again. I want to help you build your confidence and learn that trusting is okay. I want to make you smile and see your eyes light up, and those girls, they’re mine too.

“And don’t get me started on you thinking I would treat them differently or think differently of those little angels because of circumstances beyond your control or theirs. They are your daughters. They are a part of you. I’m very aware that there are three hearts I’m fighting for.”

“Are you? Fighting for them, I mean, for us?” I bite down on my bottom lip. Hope soars inside my chest. I’m almost afraid to think about what that means for us. For me and my daughters. Forrest wants to be a part of our lives, and I know without the shadow of a doubt, we want him to be a part of it.

“You’re damn right, I’m fighting for my girls.”

His words hit me square in the chest, and I can’t hold my tears. A sob escapes, and Forrest pulls me back to his chest. He rubs his hands gently up and down my spine until I get myself under control.

“I don’t know when I’ll be ready,” I confess to his chest.

“That’s fine. We have forever.”


How can one word make me feel giddy? It’s easy to picture Forrest as a permanent part of our lives. I want that. I know this is a me issue. I’ve never really dealt with what happened to me, and then Dad passed right after the twins were born. I think it’s time I talk to someone. Honestly, it might be good for Brogan to as well.

It’s time to move forward.

“I want this with you, Forrest.”

“Good. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Can we try something?”

“What’s that, baby?”

“Do you maybe want to stay here? Tonight, I mean. It’s getting late, and the girls will be up early, but I’m not ready to be away from you.” My confession is a huge step for me, one I never could have seen myself taking before I met the man who’s holding me as if I’m the most precious thing in his life.

We both know what my request means. Forrest has my trust. He’s had it for a long time. It’s the next step of me moving forward, and he’s not the only one who’s thought about what could be. I’ve lain awake staring at shadows on the ceilings, wondering how it would feel to fall asleep next to him, wrapped in his arms. He’s not some nameless, faceless frat boy.

He’s ours.

“What about the girls?”

“They adore you.”

“What are we going to tell them? I can be up early and sneak out.”

“No. I don’t want that. I want you here with us, Forrest.” I think about his question. “We’ll tell them that you’re my boyfriend and that we’re all going to be spending a lot more time together.”

“Yeah?” His eyes brighten in the moonlight.

“Baby steps.”

He lifts my hand and places it over his heart. “There is so much I want to say, but I know it’s not the time. When you’re ready, you let me know. Until then, just know that this is where the three of you are. That’s what you mean to me.”

My eyes widen because I’m pretty sure he’s saying that he loves us, or is this just my lonely heart reading too much into his words?


“Come on, baby. Let’s go to bed.” I stand and offer him my hand. He takes it, allowing me to help him stand. Hand in hand, we step back into the house. Forrest locks the door behind us as I go to peek in on the girls. “They’re out,” I whisper.

“Let’s let them sleep here tonight.”

“Yeah. I’ll turn the light on over the stove in case they wake up.”

He waits for me to handle the lights and follows me to my room. My hands are shaking and my stomach rolls with a little excitement and a little fear of having a man in my room.

“We’re just sleeping, Briar, and if you’ve changed your mind, I can head home.”

“No. I’m just nervous.”

“Go get changed for bed, baby. I’ll be right here.”

Nodding, I grab what I need and disappear into the en suite bathroom. When I emerge a few minutes later, he’s shirtless, still in his shorts, lying on top of the covers.

“You tell me how this is going to go, Briar. Under the covers? Me on top of them? Lights on? Whatever you want this moment to be is how it’s going to play out. You have all the control here, baby.”

“I apologize now if I wake up freaking out. I’ve never done this.”

“Understood. I’ll be here regardless until you tell me to leave.”