I don’t tell her that whoever she was scheduled with, I would have made damn sure her name showed up on my schedule instead. It sounds insane even to me, so I keep that information to myself.

“You’re welcome, and me too.”

She straps the flowers into the passenger seat and sets the cookies next to them. She closes the door and smiles at me.

Unable to help myself, I lace her fingers with mine and walk with her to the driver's side of her car. “When can we do this again?”

She stares up at me. “I’m a single mom.”

“I know. Razzle and Dazzle are great.” I wink at her, and she chuckles.

“This is my first date since the girls were born. If that’s what we're calling it.”

Something possessive washes over me that it’s been years since another man has had her attention like I did tonight. “Understood.”

“What do you understand, Forrest?”

Keeping one hand laced with hers, I place the other against her cheek. “I understand that this is something new not only for you but for your girls. I understand that there are three hearts involved. Wait, four, because mine should be included in this as well.” I pause to collect my thoughts as she stares into my eyes. “I understand that we’re going to need to take baby steps. I understand that those girls are your first priority, and I’ll handle that however you want. I’ll follow your lead. I understand that I really like you, Briar. The more time we spend together, the more that feeling grows. I’ve never felt this—whatever it is. I think we owe it to ourselves to see what we could be together.”

“I don’t want their hearts to be broken.”

“I promise you, no matter what happens, I will be in their lives. I’m an adult, and it might kill me to not have you, but I will never turn my back on those girls. If this doesn’t work out, I’ll still be there for them, and for you.”

“You’re saying all the right things.”


“I’m going to need for you to show me, Forrest. My trust was broken and now, I don’t give it freely.”


“Just like that? What if it’s weeks, months, or even years? I haven’t dated for so long. I don’t know….” Her voice trails off.

“You tell me when you’re ready. I’ll be here. I’ll follow your lead with the girls. I just want to spend time with you. I would be honored if you would give me the chance to show you I’m a man of my word.”

Indecision is written all over her face.

“Take some time. Think about it. Can I call you? Text you while you’re thinking?”

She nods. “I’d like that.”

Leaning down, I press a soft kiss to her lips. Just a peck, but it lights a fire inside me. “Drive safe, Momma. Kiss the girls for me.”

“Bye, Forrest.” She opens her door and slides into the driver's seat. I step back and watch her as she pulls out of my driveway. I stand here until I can no longer see her before heading into the house.

I laid it all out on the line tonight. I know she’s scared, but she doesn’t have to be. I want her, and I know she’s a single mom. Those girls are a part of her, just one of many parts that I can’t wait to explore.




When I told Forrest he could text and call me, I didn’t think it would be something he’d do every single day. That was Wednesday. It’s now Saturday morning and I’m staring at the same text I’ve woken up to the last three days.

Forrest: Morning, beautiful.

In the sanctuary of my bedroom, I don’t hide my smile at seeing his message. Forrest is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. He’s kind, funny, and direct. He doesn’t hide away from discussing how he’s feeling. My heart flutters when I think about him. That’s been a lot lately, more so since dinner at his place earlier this week.

I desperately want to trust in him and his intentions. I know there are smooth-talking men. I fell for one once, and it ended in pain and a night that changed the course of my life.

Me: Good morning.

The pitter-patter of feet on the hardwood floor has me throwing off the covers and climbing out of bed. The girls will need breakfast, and then we need to go grocery shopping. We’re all getting together tonight at Emerson’s house for girls’ night. The kids will be there. Emerson wanted the twins to come and have a play date with Lilly, and all the other ladies are coming so we can have a “big girls’ and little girls’” day. Those are Emerson’s words, not mine.

I’m a little worried about hanging out with all of them tonight. I don’t know what Forrest has told them—if anything—and he’s going to be right next door. I’m out of my element here. Not only that, but here’s this man who is older than me and has his life together. He says he’s interested, but I have two little girls to think about. I can’t just dive headfirst into whatever this is and hope for the best.