“And me. When Briar told me what she was going to do, I knew that I needed to as well. We were young and didn’t deal with any of it well. Then Dad passed, and we just kept pushing forward as best as we could.”
Emerson looks at me with tears in her eyes. She doesn’t say a word as she hugs me, then my sister. Monroe and Maggie do the same.
“Thank you for listening,” I tell them.
“That’s what friends are for. I can’t even imagine what you went through, but we’re here.”
“All of us,” Maggie adds.
“Thank you.”
“Forrest knows,” I tell Emerson, and she nods. “The others… can you all tell them? I don’t want to hide anymore, but I don’t know if I can face four gorgeous guys and tell them our story.” I turn to look at Brogan. “Are you okay with that?”
She nods. “Yeah, we’re living for the future.” She hugs me tight, just as River and Rayne come barreling toward us.
“Mommy, that was so fun!” they say excitedly.
“It looked like you were having a great time.” I smile down at them.
Forrest walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I don’t hesitate to lean into his embrace, trusting that he’s there for all the right reasons. He kisses the top of my head, and it feels right. This moment feels right.
“Girls, what about that one?” Lachlan points to the scrambler.
“Yeah!” they cheer. Rayne goes to Lachlan, and River to Maddox, and they rush off to ride the next ride.
I don’t panic that my daughters are with them. I don’t worry that they won’t be safe. I’ve found my trust, and like my therapist likes to tell me: I’m not broken. I might be a little bent, but life is a trip of twists and turns, and it’s how we handle them that matters.
I am stronger than my past. I am a mother to two incredible little girls. I’m a sister to the best person I know. I’m the girlfriend of an amazing man and a friend of an amazing group of people.
I’m not broken.
I am enough.
“Night, Razzle.” Forrest leans in to kiss River on her cheek before he moves to Rayne’s bed. “Night, Dazzle.”
“Night, Forty. Love you,” they chorus.
“I love you too.” His voice is rich and husky as he passes by me. He leans in and kisses my cheek before stepping out into the hall and allowing me my time to say goodnight to the girls.
“Forty reads stories good,” Rayne says with a yawn.
“He does,” I agree. I kiss her good night, and make sure she’s tucked in before moving to River’s bed and doing the same.
“Mommy, can Forrest be our daddy?” River asks.
My heart stalls, and quickly starts again as it hammers in my chest.
“We don’t have one, and he’s real nice,” Rayne adds.
“I—we can talk about this later. It’s time to go to sleep.”
“Love you,” they chorus.
“I love you too.”
My legs are shaking as I make my way out of their room. I pull the door but don’t close it all the way. When I turn around, I freeze. Forrest is standing leaning against the wall.
“What?” I ask, swallowing hard.
“I want to be their dad.” His swallow is audible. “I want that so much, Briar. I know you’re not ready, and that’s okay, but hearing those angels ask you if I could be their daddy, I need you to know where I’m at. They’re your daughters, but I’d give anything for you to share them with me.”
“Forrest.” My heart is going haywire as it gallops in my chest. How can his words melt me on the spot and have burning desire rolling through my veins at the same time? I wish I could find the words. I wish I could tell him what him saying that means to me. However, I can’t seem to find my voice, so instead, I use my body.
Stepping up to him, I place my hands on his shoulders and kiss him. I try to show him how I’m feeling, pouring all my want, desire, and hope into this kiss.
“I need you.” My words are mumbled against his lips.
“I’m yours.”
“Good.” I pull back and step around him, going into my bedroom. I turn on the lamp on the bedside table. “I locked up while you were reading them a story.”
“Look at my girl thinking ahead.” He steps into my bedroom, softly closes the door, and turns the lock.
Tugging at my sweatshirt, I pull it off over my head, letting it fall to the floor. My leggings are next as I tear them down my thighs and kick them to the side. “You better catch up, Huntley.”
“I’m so fucking proud of you, Briar.”
“Stripping is tough, but I think I got it nailed down,” I tease.
“Not that. You’ve come such a long way. Look at you stripping for me, not an ounce of hesitation.”