He doesn’t speak for several moments, and when he does his voice is colder, unaffected.

“Your father has a message for you,” he starts. “He said to tell you that he’s tired of staying in hiding. He has the boy and he’ll return him as long as Morozova surrenders and comes begging on his knees. If he doesn’t get what he wants in less than two hours, he said to tell you that the little boy dies.”

I gasp, pain threading through my chest, “He’s three!” I say, horrified.

“Tell your husband to stand down, Ana. Nothing has to happen to him. We’ll expect a call from you within two hours.”

Coda hangs up and I start pacing the length of the room, running a hand through my hair while I think of what to do. Finally, I settle on the best course of action, one I hope ends with no one getting hurt.

I walk into the closet to grab a jacket and pull on some comfortable boots. And then I’m grabbing the keys to Mikhail’s car, wondering how I’m going to be able to sneak out of the house unnoticed. Which was probably a fool’s wish because he’s on the other side as soon as I open the door.

He steps forward, crowding the doorway, blue eyes icy cold. “Where do you think you’re going,solnyshko?”

I shiver at the carefully controlled note of anger in his voice. But I don’t cower before him. I make sure to look into his eyes as I try to explain.

“I know where they are, Mikhail,” I begin desperately. “If you let me leave, I can go and talk to him. Reason with my father. I can get Jalen back.”

“You’re not going anywhere alone.”

I feel a light pressure beginning in my eyes. “Mikhail, please, please just let me go. I have to at least try. I know I can fix everything.”

His eyes narrow as he takes a step forward, tugging me closer. “Do you really think that I would let you put yourself in danger like this? I already lost my son. I’m not going to lose you, too,” he snaps.

My eyes flutter shut. “I don’t know what to do.”

“The ball is in your court, Anastasia. We could keep searching and eventually find the location of the safe house. But it could already be too late by then.”

I nod in agreement. “I know where it is,” I whisper. “I could take you there.”

“He’ll die,solnyshko,” Mikhail tells me. The words are delivered softly, to reduce the blow, but it stings regardless. “Your father dies today.”

I hear the unsaid words.Even if I don’t kill him, there’s no shortage of men who wouldn’t be itching for the opportunity.At the top of that list is Adrian Rossi. I never asked Mikhail why he hated my father so much. I think I was too scared to find out.

“Okay.” I nod, breathing in and out deeply. “I’ll take you to the safe house. As long as you promise I’ll get to talk to him first. Promise me, Mikhail.”

“So long as you’re not in any danger,solnyshko,” he says tenderly.

When Mikhail goes to announce that he has the safe house location, everyone moves into action. We leave the penthouse in less than twenty minutes, guards packed into vans, men driving their cars. There’s a hint of violence in the air as we drive through the city, heading out of it.

Mikhail drives with one hand, while his other hand is threaded through mine. His touch is warm, comforting, and helps to calm the thoughts racing through my head. Sierra’s behind us in the back of the car. I tried to get her not to come but she refused, wanting nothing but to be reunited with her son as soon as possible.

She’s sitting very still in the back, unblinking. This has been really hard on her.

I just wish and hope and pray with every part of me that this doesn’t end in a bloodbath. Because we’re heading to that safe house with a small army, and we have no idea what’s waiting for us.

Eventually, we arrive at our destination.

It’s getting late, and all I can hear is my heartbeat thundering in my ears. I step outside of the car, standing at the edge of the clearing as I stare up at the house. My father thought I would never betray him when he gave me this location. But now I have, and I feel awful.

But I have to save Jalen. The poor kid is probably terrified.

Mikhail’s men are scattered all around me, waiting for the signal. Guns, cold eyes, all ready to do whatever it takes to get Mikhail’s son back. And Mikhail… he’s beside me, tense, watching the house like a predator. I can feel the fury radiating off him, barely contained violence simmering just beneath the surface.

I have to do something. I swallow hard, the lump in my throat nearly choking me. I can’t believe it’s come to this. Why would my father do this? Why would he take Jalen?

None of the men can move yet, just in case my father’s got snipers who can take shots from the windows of the second floor. Whatever happens next is on me.

I take a step toward the house, but Mikhail grabs my arm, his grip like steel.