He tells me to get in the car while he opens the driver’s seat door so he can take me home. Coda spends the entire time talking, telling me about what he’s been up to since the last time we saw each other. I try my best to listen to him, but my mind is all over the place.

I think of Mikhail Morozova. I think of my father and his fear that someone is conspiring against him. I think of Anthony and his constant refusal to open up to me, to stay away from our father. I wish my brother understood that by choosing to do that, he’s choosing to stay away from me as well.

Sometimes, I blame Mikhail for that. Because when Anthony left, it was with him. He got to stay with my brother when I didn’t have to chance to.

But I’m grateful to him, as well. For protecting Anthony when no one else could.

Complicated doesn’t even begin to cover everything I feel for that man. It’s dangerous, this blossoming fixation.

Mikhail Morozova is like a puzzle. One I find myself wanting to solve.



Ilike to run. Not away from things but toward them. My goal with every single task that’s placed in front of me is to take care of it as well as I possibly can. As soon as is humanly possible for that task to be done.

I test the boundaries of what can be done and then I push past them. Focused and persistent are the words that have been used to describe me all my life. It’s how I was able to build my own company from the ground up when I was twenty-five.

Right now, I find myself in the face of possible allies or enemies. And all I can think is that I have to win this. I have to get to the top.

Two years ago, a meeting like this with the Cosa Nostra would have been next to impossible. It would have probably led to the death of everyone present. But that’s all changed. Nicolas Ramirez made sure of that when he opened up communications between the two factions. He had a goal and he ensured he succeeded. A man like that, I definitely want on my side.

That being said, it’s been a week since my father and Ivan Volkov gave me a proposal I couldn’t turn down. And since then, it’s been secret meeting after secret meeting to identify our alliesand secure our victory. I’m getting tired. Who do I have to kill to get what I want?

“I’m a businessman, Mr. Ramirez,” I say to Nicolas, who sits across me at the table. “Tell me what you’d like in return for your support.”

Seated on my side of the table are Ivan Volkov and my father. On the Don’s side, there’s a lot more people. Among which is Adrian Rossi, who has a gleam in his green eyes that tells me he’s very happy this meeting was called—and I can guess why.

Other people on the other side include Camila Vitelli, the only woman at the table. The first of her kind in the Cosa Nostra, if I’m remembering correctly. Her husband Lukas sits by her side. Never too far from his wife. Lukas is Russian, a spy sent to infiltrate the Cosa Nostra. He performed his job well for several years. So well, in fact, that he fell in love with one of them.

Ivan seems not to doubt his loyalties, but I don’t think I could ever fully trust a man who’s so obviously straddling both sides of a fence.

Instead of addressing me, Nicolas Ramirez turns to face Ivan. “You really think he’s the best option for Pakhan?”

I grit my teeth, answering before Ivan gets the chance to.

“I think that’s the reason we’re all here, isn’t it? For you to figure it out yourself,” I state.

Ramirez smirks, leaning back in his seat. He’s in a crisp three-piece suit, not a single black hair out of place.

“You can’t blame me, though, Mr. Morozova. I don’t know much about you. And like you said, you’re a businessman. You’re not a made man,” he points out.

“Made men belong to the Cosa Nostra. In the Bratva, we havevors. And I can assure you, what I plan to do is not to become one, but to lead every single one of them.”

“Alright then,” Nicolas starts, his blue eyes fixed on me. “I didn’t mean any offence, Mr. Morozova. This is a delicatematter, after all. But I trust Lukov’s decision. Which means I’ll have to trust you as well. He seems to believe you have an idea in order to ensure this plan succeeds. I’d like to hear it.”

“This plan will succeed regardless of my idea. We have more manpower, more influence in the Bratva. With all of us working together, there’s no way Igor doesn’t fall,” I say. “But my idea is a fail-safe. It’s a plan you’re very familiar with yourself, Don.”

Beside me, my father stiffens. Recognition lights up in the eyes of the people before me. Nicolas looks damn near impressed. But it’s Ivan that speaks up first.

“What do you want to do, Mikhail?” he questions.

“I think every man in this room knows what I plan to do. I’d rather not spell it out at the risk of it getting back to Igor before I can go through with it. All you need to know is that I plan to win, no matter what it takes.”

My words seem to be exactly what Adrian has been waiting to hear. He offers me a conspiratorial grin as he clasps his hands together on the table.

“Can we go back to what we want now, Morozova?” he questions.