That gives me pause. “Interesting,” I say simply, not giving them much of a reaction.

“That’s all you have to say?”

“I’d also say it’s a long time coming. Igor’s being nothing but a figurehead all this while. We all know who’s really been running the organization,” I say with a short nod of respect toward him. “What do you need from me, though? Money, support?”

“I’m not taking over as Pakhan. I have no interest in the position.”

I always suspected he never got rid of Igor because he was content to control him from the background. I guess this is confirmation of that.

“I see. So who are you hoping to seat on the throne? Please don’t tell me it’s my father.”

“Arrogant idiot,” my father says under his breath.

“Actually, Mikhail, we plan to make you Pakhan.”

Now that surprises me. I look between both men, gauging their expressions. Their offer feels almost like a trap. It takes a long moment before I speak again, and when I do, I make sure to do so slowly.

“I can’t become the Pakhan. Not only have I maintained a passive role in the Bratva all this while, I neither have a legitimate claim nor a relationship with members of the organization..”

“Your last name is claim enough. The Morozovas have been a part of the Bratva for decades. And as for connections, you have me and your father. We’ll get you to where you need to be,” Ivan states.

“I like the confidence. But this isn’t going to be a walk in the park. We’re talking about something that could very well get all of us killed,” I say blandly.

“Your father and I will take care of it.”

“Really? My father supports me taking over as Pakhan?” I question like the man himself is not currently in the room.

He speaks up then, his voice hard. “Despite how much you hate me, Mikhail, I actually have your best interests at heart.”

“No, you haveyourbest interests at heart,” I correct. “This is about putting someone with your last name at the top. You don’t care about me.”

A muscle ticks in his jaw but he doesn’t say a word to contradict me. As expected.

“Regardless of his motivations, all our needs are aligned,” Ivan says.

“You’re just going to assume I’m interested in the position?”

“Aren’t you?”

The air grows a little tense as we all stare at each other. This is a delicate situation. Any of the men in this room could betray our plan to the Pakhan. It would all blow up in our faces. Oddlyenough, I trust Volkov a hell of a lot more than I trust the man who raised me.

“How long have you been planning this?” I ask, facing my father. “You’ve been loyal to the Pakhan all these years. Or have you simply been waiting for the right opportunity to stab him in the back?”

“Why does that matter?”

“Because I need to make sure you’re not going to run back to him with your tail between your legs like a good little dog.”

“Careful about how you speak to me, Mikhail.”

“Please, you should be used to it by now.”

“Enough,” Ivan says, his voice sharp. “We’re all dead if the both of you continue to act like this. Do I need to remind you how important this is? Mikhail, I’m about to throw my lot in with you. I’ll give you my support, but first I need something from you.”

“Of course you do. What is it?”

“Prove to me that you’re deserving of the role of Pakhan. Bring me a plan on the best way to get rid of Igor. The best way to put you in the position.”

My eyes narrow. “What happened to you taking care of it?”