He really wasn't much of a warlock, was he? If a tiny, naked, bunny shifter had him this scared.
"You've been unlucky in love, haven't you?" His voice dropped, becoming smooth and oily. "It's not just bad luck. There's a reason. A curse."
I blinked, the wordcursehitting harder than I expected. "What the hell are you talking about?"
He smiled, sensing my hesitation. "I sensed it in you the first time we met. I laughed about it with some colleagues when one of them thought about asking you out."
I took another menacing step towards him, and he held up his hands in surrender.
"Your family! There's a reason you can't find a partner. Why all of your dates fail, why anyone you end up in a relationship with leaves. You think it's you. It's not." Jas licked his lips, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of a man who thought he could outwit death. "You're cursed. Every woman in your line has been."
Glaring at him, I try not to show how much his words are affecting me. No matter how much I don't want to believe him, the words ring true.
"That's not all. With the curse comes a side effect. A benefit that I've never seen before. It’s why none of my attacks have worked on you. You have a Lucky Foot."
I blinked, thrown off by the ridiculousness of his words. "A what now?"
He took another step forward, confidence returning. "Your bunny shifter blood. It has to have messed with the curse somehow and given you a Lucky Rabbit's Foot. It's why you're so good at what you do, why you always land on your feet and never fail at anything you've tried."
My breath caught, my pulse hammering in my ears. The words echoed in my mind.No one loves you.It was stupid. Insane. But something about it... clicked.
He kept going, voice smooth like velvet. "I can help you. I can break the curse. For a price."
I stared at him, my mind whirling, trying to process what he was saying. Tilting my head, I let a smile curl my lips. "You're telling me you'll break thiscurse? All I have to do is let you go?"
"Exactly." His smile widened. "We both walk away from this, and you finally get your happily ever after."
I let out a soft chuckle, closing the distance between us. For a second, his face lit with hope. But only for a second. BecauseI reached across and wrapped my hands around his head, my hands partially shifting so I could dig in.
"Wait! I could!"
I twist and snap his neck. "You could have done nothing," I whisper to no one. "You have hurt too many. No way in hell I would have let you walk out of here alive."
I take a step back and watch his body crumple to the floor. The previous smugness was wiped from his face.
Was I really cursed? Did I have this Lucky Foot?
I didn't have time to think about that now. I had to get out of there before his bodyguards came looking for him.
Chapter two
The Invite
The night air was cool again, but I didn't feel it, thanks to my fluffy fur. My heart was still racing from the adrenaline of the kill. I had to give it to the warlock—his revelation had thrown me for a loop. But I couldn't afford to dwell on it now. I needed to get home, get clean, and then... figure out what to do next.
The streets were quiet as I ran, my bunny feet making no sound on the pavement as I stuck to the shadows. My apartment was only a few miles away, but in my shifted form, after the long night, it might as well be in another city. My legs ached, and my brain felt foggy, and I couldn't think straight anymore. All I could focus on was the idea of a long, hot bubble bath. Bubbles... mmmm. A night in my new teddy bear pyjamas and a cuddle with Mr Big, my Groot stuffy. Mr Big never judged me for being weird or awkward. He also never left me.
By the time I reached my apartment, my limbs were screaming for a rest. Sneaking to the box in the alley behind the building where I hid a spare set of clothes, I let the shift run over my body.I quickly donned the tracksuit before jogging into the front door as if I went on midnight runs often.
No one noticed my bare feet... mostly because there was no one to notice it, but I've found over the years it's these little details that normally slip everyone's notice. I opt for the stairs, taking them two at a time, too eager to get into my little haven. When I finally reached my door, I let out a small sigh of relief. Home.
Fumbling with my keys, I pushed the door open and immediately noticed the envelope lying on the floor inside. It was thick and fancy-looking.
"What now?" I wondered to myself, picking it up as I kicked the door closed behind me.
The envelope was black, sealed with a bright red wax stamp. My stomach flipped as I slowly unsealed the envelope. My heartbeat in my ears as I slipped out the beautifully embossed card. The lettering was written in a swirling red script.
“Consume the invitation?” I muttered, raising an eyebrow. “Of course. Because normal guilds just make you sign a contract. But no... not this one.”