Henry stirred beside me, his powerful arms tightening around me for a brief moment before he opened his eyes. They were sleepy but soft, the deep blues still full of warmth. "Hello, darlinggirl," he murmured, his voice deep and rumbling, laced with sleep but somehow full of affection.
"Hi again," I whispered back, a small smile tugging at my lips. I snuggled closer, drawing comfort from his proximity.
He shifted slightly, that large bulge nudging me again. "You feeling better now, baby?"
"Uh-huh," I said. It was true to an extent. "I think I've been so used to living on edge that I forgot what it's like to just... be. But after last night... and this morning," I said as a blush stole up my face, "it's like I can finally let go."
Henry's expression softened. "I'm glad. I want you to feel safe, Thora. You deserve that."
I swallowed, my throat tightening with emotion. This man, this gentle giant, had somehow made me feel something I thought I could never feel again—Like someone truly cared for me.
He smiled, as if sensing the weight of my thoughts. "I have some texts from Lang and Karel. They're jealous of all the time I spent with you last night, and were wondering if you felt up to seeing them this morning?"
The mention of my other two mates brought an unexpected warmth to my chest. I hadn't spent a lot of time with them yet, only a scant few hours, so the thought of being around them again sent my heart racing with equal parts fear and excitement.
I nodded. "I'd like that. I'm ready to see them."
Henry's face lit up with a smile, and I could see the pride and affection in his eyes. "Good girl," he murmured, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "Let's get you ready then."
It didn't take long for us to get dressed and leave my apartment. The crisp morning air filled my lungs as we stepped out into the city, and the bustling streets seemed almost quiet compared to the noise inside my head. Henry's hand was warm on the small of my back, guiding me toward a cab on the curb.
As we rode through the city and out toward what I assumed was one of the men's houses, I felt my anticipation growing. The morning sun was high in the sky now, casting a golden hue over the trees and the winding roads. I did not know what to expect from the visit, but I knew one thing; I was ready. Ready for the next step, for the next piece of this journey with the three men who fell into my life.
Or I suppose the right way to phrase that would be thatIfell into theirs.
After a short drive, we arrived at a house, and I was struck by how different it was from my apartment. The building in front of me was a large, sprawling home, nestled at the edge of a peaceful wooded area. Once we stepped out of the cab, I was hit with the scent of pine and fresh air, and my inner bunny wiggled in excitement. We could have so much fun in those trees.
"This is Lang's place. There's a huge clearing in the middle of the small wood, where he can shift and let his dragon out. The place is warded so no humans come in there. Karel has his own place on the beach, so he can slip into the ocean to shift. And I have a condo in town." Henry shrugged as he explained.
"Even though we're close friends, and I always suspected we'd find a mate to share, we gravitated apart over the last decade or so. I'm happy we've finally found you, so we can work on getting closer again. Be a unit. Together, with you."
The large man looked almost shy as he shared those personal details with me, so I grabbed his hand in mine as we walked up the sidewalk to the front door.
"This is probably way too soon," I whispered, "But will we all live together, and how would that work with your varying needs?"
Henry stopped and pulled me to stand in front of him on the front steps. With my added height thanks to the steps, my face was nearly level with his. "It's not too soon, darling girl. We've waited for you for lifetimes. Whatever you want, I can guarantee you all three of us will be eager to give it to you. And yes, I can promise you we will want to live together because, after just one night with you, I can't see myself wanting to be away from you for even half a day, let alone have you stay in a different house."
With those warm, comforting words, he gave me a chaste kiss before leaning across and opening the front door.
As we entered, Lang and Karel jumped up from where they were waiting. Lang had been lounging in an oversized armchair, and Karel stood nearby, leaning against a doorframe.
"Hey, little bunny," Lang greeted me with a grin, his voice warm and teasing. "You look like you slept well."
I smiled shyly at him. "I did, thank you."
Henry gave a low chuckle and motioned for me to join them. "Today is for getting to know each other a bit better. I know we have forever with you, but there's no time like the present to get started."
I nodded, feeling my heart race with curiosity. I was more than ready for more of them. For all of them, really.
We sat down on the plush couches, Karel taking a seat beside me while Lang went back to his oversized armchair. Henry settled beside me as well, his presence grounding me as I glanced between them. Waiting for one of them to speak, to start whatever this was, was a teensy bit nerve-wracking, and I was glad for Henry's presence.
It was Karel who broke the silence first. His deep voice was calm and steady as he began. "You know about the three of us being friends, Thora, almost brothers really, but you don't really know who we are yet. Our pasts... they're a bit of a tangled web, but we're here now."
I listened intently as Karel shared a piece of his history. "I wasn't always land-bound. I was born and raised underwater. My parents were the leaders of our small clutch and shied away from the outside world. They hated humans and landwalkers—as they called them—for hunting down our species to near extinction." His words held so much pain and suffering that I couldn't stop myself from climbing into his lap so I could give him the affection he so obviously needed to get through the story.
He wrapped his arms tightly around me, before placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.
"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready," I whispered into his chest.