The angel in question knelt beside her, his gentle touch a contrast to the sharp edge of the situation. "Easy now," he murmured, brushing a hand over her forehead. I had to bite down the sudden flair of jealousy roaring through me. "You're safe. You're going to be okay."
Her eyes fluttered open, hazy and confused, her gaze shifting from Henry to the rest of us. "Where am I?"
"You were attacked," I said softly, kneeling beside her. My small stature should help soothe her fears. "But you're safe now. We're going to get you somewhere secure."
She looked around, fear clouding her expression. "There was a succubus. She fooled me... she was draining me..."
I nodded, keeping my voice steady. "I know, but she's gone now. You don't have to worry about her anymore."
The woman blinked, her body still trembling, but there was a flicker of relief in her eyes. Henry gave her a reassuring smile as he helped her sit up, though she still looked dazed.
Did he have to be so close to her the whole time?
"We'll take you to someone who can help," Lang said, his voice calm, but there was an urgency in his tone. "You’re going to be okay, but we need to get you out of here before anyone else comes looking for Sapphire."
The woman nodded weakly, trusting us even though she had no reason to.
As we helped the woman to her feet, a strange sense of camaraderie settled over the room. It was subtle, but it was there. The four of us had come together, fought together, and survived together.
"Let's get her to safety," Karel said, his voice firm as he slid his arm around the woman to steady her. He looked back at me, his eyes softening just a little. "Then we can figure out what the hell Sapphire was up to."
I nodded, feeling the weight of his gaze settle into my bones.
As we made our way back to the elevator, I couldn't shake the feeling that we'd only scratched the surface of whatever was going on. Sapphire might be dead, but she wasn't the only player in this game. The Guild hadn't sent me after her for no reason.
There was something bigger at play, something I wasn't seeing yet. And whatever it was, it would not be easy to uncover.
As the elevator doors closed behind us, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrored walls. For the first time ever, I didn't look like the lost, alone bunny anymore. I looked like someone who had a team, people I could count on.
And as happy as that made me, it scared the living poop out of me.
Chapter eight
The Bedtime Story
The city lights blurred into streaks of gold and white as we left the penthouse behind. My thoughts were swirling, the adrenaline from the fight slowly fading and leaving behind a jittery unease. I had people who actually seemed to care about me now, but something still held me back. It all felt too good to be true.
Karel's hand brushed mine as we walked down the street, his warmth grounding me even as my mind spun.
"You're quiet, little fluff. I know we don't know you yet, but your silence seems... weighted," he whispered, his voice barely a rumble in the night air.
I bit my lip, not sure how to explain the fear coiling in my chest. It wasn't the fight or the danger—those I was used to. It was the idea of losing this, whateverthiswas before I even had a chance to truly experience it.
"Feels unreal," I admitted, my voice small. "Like I'm going to wake up, and you'll all be gone."
Lang, who walked on my other side, tugged on my hand. "Why would we be gone? We just got here, Little Bunny."
Henry moved forward and stopped in front of us, halting our progress. His intense gaze locked onto mine. "You will not lose us, Thora," he said, his voice resolute. The words had the ring of a solemn oath to them. "We've been waiting for you for too long to even think about giving you up."
The sincerity in his words tugged at something deep inside me, even so, the hesitation lingered. "But what if my bad luck continues and you're stuck having to clean up my messes all the time? Or even worse... what if my bad luck in love comes back and you realise I'm not really your mate?" I asked, wrapping my arms around myself, suddenly feeling vulnerable. "I can't risk... I don't want to mess things up."
Karel chuckled, the sound low and reassuring. "You don't have to worry about that, Little fluff. There is no way in heaven and earth that any of us will give you up now. Even if we have to baby-proof the whole damn world to ensure you remain safe and sound."
Lang nodded in agreement, his gaze softening. "We're not going anywhere."
My third... mate stepped closer, his presence steady and comforting. "I get this is a lot for you right now, and you might be feeling overwhelmed and find it hard to trust that this is real. But we'll give you the time and space you need to make you feel better about it. But for now, darling girl, do you think you could let one of us come home with you tonight? Just to make sure you're safe." Even though he was asking a question, his tone was firm, and no-nonsense. It made me feel special and cared for in a way I had never experienced before.
I hesitated, biting my lip. "I guess that would be okay."