Lucky fucking us!

“Ahhh, that looks like a coloring book, Lindee.”

“Have you looked at the pictures in it? Is this… is that a whip?” The sound of my cousin’s daughter, Crystal, giggling made me smile– until I heard the next bit out of my Gram’s mouth. “It says it’s a Fifty Shades of Grey tribute coloring book. Why the hell would you give that to a baby?”

“Kids don’t see in color, Lindee. I thought gray was a better option for her because of that!”

There was a long stretch of silence before Grams responded.

“That’s dogs, you stupid twat!”

“Hey, will you watch Banshee and Vlad for a while? I won’t be long, I promise!” Luna muttered, before picking up her bag and walking out the door.

I listened as my grandparents continued to argue over the non-child friendly coloring book and Banshee howled.

Vlad had it right, so I joined him in the corner, tempted to start shaking too.

Luna“What are we doing here?” Maya, another of Noah’s cousin’s wives, asked as we sat in the car in the parking lot at Walmart.

“Getting payback,” I replied, watching the doors like a hawk.

“What for?”

This was a good question. I couldn’t remember what he’d done, but I knew that he had it coming. She seemed like she’d understand though, so I just shrugged.

Her hum proved I was right.

I’d told her earlier that I needed her to give me a ride to sort something out, and when I’d directed her here, she’d assumed it was to pick something up.

When we’d remained sitting in the car, she’d not questioned it until twenty minutes later, proving how long she’d been married to her husband Ren. She hadn’t even questioned why Ariana was driving the car behind us. Or why she’d gotten out and moved a car behind a wall in the parking lot before getting back in her own.

Some things you just didn’t need to question for them to make sense– eventually.

That was when my target walked out.

“There he is,” I hissed, ducking down and holding my phone above the dash until he filled the screen.

Hitting record, I watched, giggling, as Tate walked toward where his car should have been, but now wasn’t. He didn’t look too confused though as he turned in a circle looking to see if he’d gotten the wrong row.

That was when things got really fun.

He did what I knew he’d do– held his key fob up in the air and, because we weren’t far away from him, with the help of the zoom on the camera on my phone, I saw as he tensed his thumb to press the unlock button on it.

Each time his muscle tensed, I’d hit the horn in the car making it beep. Periodically, Ariana would press her horn, and it ended up with us alternating the beeps between us. I’d go, then she’d go, and each time he’d turn in either direction looking for the car.

“I want a go!” Maya chuckled, pulling up her own phone and taking over beeping the horn for me.

After half an hour, he tapped on the screen of his phone and looked behind him in confusion to the wall where his car was parked.

“How did he do that?” I asked Maya.

What kind of car radar did he have? Did he call it? Images of Kit from Knightrider came into my mind, and I started to panic in case it told him who had done it.

“Car tracker,” Maya muttered, quickly sliding down in her seat when Tate turned to look behind him.

I was glad I hadn’t voiced my Knightrider theory out loud, especially seeing as how I was still recording.

Hitting the off button, I rang Ariana.

I wanted to get out of here before he passed by us.

“That was fun,” Maya mused as we breezed down the road toward where the houses were. “We should do that again. Oh shit, you should come to ours next time.”

And there began a great friendship!Epilogue 1Noah“Hey, you seen Luna?” I asked Archer as I walked past him.

“Kitchen,” he mumbled around a mouthful of cookie.

Luna and Mom had perfected the Funfetti cookie recipe and now they were available all the time. Then again, she was pregnant so my wife could have whatever the fuck she wanted.

“It’s basic algebra, Luna,” I heard Madix sigh as I walked around the corner and saw her sitting at the table glaring at him. “You’re a smart girl,” he ignored the sneer she shot in his direction at the world ‘girl’ and carried on. “How can algebra be such an issue?”

Snorting, my brother Levi leaned back in his chair and watched the show in front of him.

Standing up, she waddled over to her brother and poked him in the chest. The fact that she had to reach up to around the height of her head to poke him there never failed to amuse me.