I’d seen Madix’s ‘super pissed’ eyes before, but this was a new version of those. Perhaps ‘uber pissed?’ ‘Seriously fucking pissed?’

A quick look at each other was all that happened though. And then they were passed bolt cutters by Sven who had appeared behind them, and I was falling into my husband’s arms with my brother’s going around me too.

“They’ve got her!” Sven yelled to whoever else was around us.

And that’s when I heard my best friend’s voice.

Ironically, it was that final voice yelling my name that finally made me cry.

And it hurt, oh it fucking hurt!

So, I cried harder.18 NoahCarefully gathering her up, I carried Luna back toward the hall that would lead us up the basement stairs and to the front door.

Sven, Levi and Madix all had their guns out, ready to cover us if need be.

“We haven’t found him yet,” Madix grunted, talking about Esteban Soto, the man who’d done this to her.

Just as we got to the top of the stairs and they were checking the area in front of us before I walked out there with her, there was the sound of an engine outside. Then the cabin shook as something hit it so hard that dust fell down from the ceiling and the entire place shifted.

Madix and Levi ran outside just as Archer yelled, “What the fuck?”

Madix and Levi’s reactions were exactly the same.

“Oh, fuck me!” Levi groaned from outside. He then leaned around the door and shook his head at us indicating that we should stay where we were.

“That’s…” Madix said, sounding like he was struggling. “I’ve seen a lot in my time, but this…,” he broke off again, and then went silent.

“Well, he was trying to get away!” A voice said indignantly.

“Gramps?” I yelled, then winced when I felt Luna’s head flinch.

Sven had walked carefully to the front door by this point and peered out to the side. His grimace said it all.“Why the hell are you here?” I asked my grandparents for the millionth time as I sat back in the comfy chair beside Luna’s bedside.

To no one’s surprise, it turned out she had a broken jaw which had needed to be wired to fix it, so she’d been taken away for that and was now resting on the bed in the room. They’d also discovered that she had a bad sprain on her previously good foot, so now she had matching bandages on both feet.

This had given the police enough time to question us all, take our statements and then fill us in on what they knew.

When I’d run into the cabin, the others had shot four guys who’d come running out. Two I’d seen, two I hadn’t. None of them had been killed, but they were all being treated for gunshot wounds.

Esteban Soto had been hiding around the back, either waiting to kill us or to escape. As we’d come up through the house, he’d been sneaking back around to the front to shoot us as we came out. My grandparents who had been on their way to join us had seen him and stepped on the gas, crushing him against the side of the cabin.

Señor Soto was now in surgery as neither of his legs could be saved. He should have counted himself fucking lucky that when he’d seen the speed of the vehicle coming at him, he’d jumped. This meant that he’d been crushed to the side of the building just above his knees. If he hadn’t, he may well have been pissing through a tube and shitting in a bag for the rest of his life. No offense to people who have to, they had my full respect for what they went through, but I personally felt that only the evil deserved that to be their way of life.

Which brought us back to the people I was currently glaring at. Not saying that I wasn’t relieved as fuck that they’d stopped us from Soto’s bullets, but still. They were meant to be in Texas in case Luna was taken near there.

“Well, your mother rang us,” Grams started, flipping through the magazine she’d picked up. “We decided that we’d be better here seeing as how Luna was here and your mother had stayed behind in Vegas. We got on the plane, got some directions and there we go.”

“How did you know where to go?” Levi asked, his arms crossed on his chest.

“Oh, that lovely girl, Maggie,” Gramps said, walking in the room. “I’ve just been talking to her and her husband outside. Hey Lindee,” he called to my grandmother, using the nickname that only he could use on her. Her name was actually Linda, but she’d always be his Lindee. “We’re gonna jump out of a plane with a parachute. How cool can you get?”

“Weren’t you around when the first draft of the bible was written?” Levi asked slowly. He was exaggerating, they were only in their late sixties and lived like they were forty, but still.