“Seriously dude, if someone with a crappy jaw in a room with practically no light can see your sweat and the sweat stains coming through your jacket, clearly, you might wanna invest in something that helps you out. I read they do Botox treatments or can cut sweat nerve things or whatever they’re called.” Is what I would have said if I could have said anything at all.

No, scratch that, the first thing I would have said was, “Where’s the bathroom?” I could say it in Spanish, French, Italian and German too, so if he hadn’t spoken English, I wouldn’t have had an issue.

Levi and I had decided to learn key phrases in those languages when we were in eighth grade, just in case. So far, I’d only had to use the Spanish knowledge on a handful of occasions.

Instead of being able to wow him with my linguistic skills though, all I could do was look at him. I’d tried the mumbling route and even that had been too painful, and I couldn’t exactly point to my bladder with my hands cuffed above me. So, I just lay there and watched him as he looked me over.

“I can see that you appear to have been injured during your trip here,” he said it like I’d been in a limo or a luxury vehicle of some form instead of a coffin with an oxygen hole. “Mm, I’ll have to have a word with Felipe about that.” He cut off what he was saying and looked at the door which was still open. I figured someone was standing in the doorway given the head nod he gave, before turning back to me, his eyes even colder than they had been before. “I gave him express instructions not to injure you. A few bruises we can ignore, but this,” he gestured to my face. “Unacceptable.”

Gee, thanks!

“I am going to undo your hands, it was merely a precaution to prevent you from falling out of bed whilst you slept off the gas. I expect you need the bathroom, too,” he continued talking to me like we were actually engaged in a conversation – one of those normal ones where both people took part.

I shrank back into the bed as he leaned over me to undo the restraints. As he was working on my second hand, a drop of sweat started to grow on his chin and I squeaked and closed my eyes sure that it was going to land on my face.

“Ah, there, there, preciosa Luna,” he crooned, rubbing his finger on my cheek. The pain it caused in my jaw was insane. “Come, we will get you cleaned up and then you will be more comfortable. I will have to let your father know that I require more time with you before his debt is paid. I’m sure the others will understand as they wouldn’t want you in less than perfect condition. Well, that’s a lie– the depraved fucks!”

Contrary to his words, he grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me along with him.

As we walked out of the door, I looked around quickly, but it all looked the same, not even a picture or a light or anything. There were dark wood floors and white walls as far as I could see. The only other door was the one next to my cell, and as he led me into it, I saw why. It was a suite with only a bed again, no windows, nada. The only difference in this one was that it was huge, and the bed looked way more comfortable than the last one. It was also warmer than the other one and there was another door in it.

As we passed the door, he hit the switch that was on the wall and the light turned on inside. Some women might have played a tougher role, but gravity on a bladder that was way past full by fifty gallons… let’s just say every step had been a struggle. Because of this, I tore my arm out of his grip, flew into the room awkwardly on my broken feet, and slammed the door in his face.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t understood the pain that each step would cause my jaw. Hell, even the vibration of the door slamming hurt it.

Doing my best not to cry as I peed and fought the urge to throw up, I listened as the sounds of his laughter moved toward where the door to the room was.

How the hell was I going to get out of here?

Noah“You sold your daughter to pay your debts, you sick fuck,” I growled, using the sledgehammer on Rick’s leg again. I was alternating sides and working my way up toward his kneecap with each hit.

I don’t think any of us had considered that he would be out of his mind on drugs though. Whatever he had taken had given him superhuman strength initially, until I’d knocked him out with a hard kick to the back of the head at the same time that Archer had kicked him in the front. After that, we’d been lucky that he hadn’t come around in the car as we drove to Dino’s friend’s place, an hour from Denver.