“The fuck you say,” Levi yelled, storming over to us. “I forbid it!”

I’d forgotten that we’d decided to tell them after we got home. That said, my brother’s reaction pissed me the fuck off!

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Archer and Sven walking up behind Levi, but I gave not one fuck if they got there in time for what I was about to tell him.

“Too late,” I sneered. “We got married last night!”

The first punch landed on my jaw, I didn’t give the second one a chance to land anywhere as I jumped up and punched him back. All the heartache, anger, guilt, just everything came pouring out of me as we hit and pushed each other.

It didn’t last long, but it was long enough for both of us to have our fair share of bruises and cuts before Sven grabbed me, and Archer grabbed Levi.

“I told you not to fucking touch her, you son of a bitch!” he yelled at me.

“Hey!” Mom snapped, taking offense as always to being referred to as a bitch even if it wasn’t meant that way.

“Man, that’s like a red button with ‘don’t push’ written above it!” Archer snorted, tightening his hold on our brother when he tried to swing at him, too.

“You might be her friend,” I growled, straining against the hold that Sven was keeping me in. “But that doesn’t give you the right to pick and choose who she’s with. I fucking love her,” I choked out. “I love her!” It took everything in me not to cry as I finished.

My brother stood staring at me for a long while before he jerked free from Archer’s hold on him.

“Whatever,” he glared at me over his shoulder as he walked toward the couch. “Just fucking find her.”

“That’s what I was about to say when you lost your shit like a little bitch,” Sven told him. “We’ve found her father.”

Snapping my head around to look at him, I started to walk toward the door.

“Where?” I barked, not meaning to snap at the guy who had done so much for me and Luna but irritated by even a second of a delay in finding her.


“Shotgun,” Archer sang, passing me with a slap on the back as he headed for the door.

“Well?” Levi asked, raising an eyebrow as he walked toward me.

“Well, what?”

“Well, let’s go get your wife!”

Just hearing him of all people call her that brought me completely out of feeling like I couldn’t breathe and that I was completely powerless, and moved me back into the level-headed asshole I was used to being.

“When we get to him, he’s mine,” I threw out as we got into the elevator and hit the button for the basement garage.

“I get to shove his balls down his throat,” Levi argued.

Fair argument. I didn’t want to touch his balls, so if he was so determined, they were his.

Looking around the elevator at the disgusted looks on the guys’ faces, Levi had the grace to blush a little before focusing on the floor.

“Kinky little fucker, isn’t he?” Archer chuckled as Sven nodded in response.

“So, how are we doing this?” I asked Sven. He knew where the asshole was, so he might already have a plan in mind.

“I’ll tell you in the car,” he replied, flicking his eyes to the camera in the corner in warning.

If it was anyone else, I might feel sorry for them given what that movement gave away.

But I didn’t. I hoped he burned in hell!Three hours later…

“How are we going to do this?” Archer asked my earlier question again after hearing a brief outline of the plan from Sven.

We were basically hunting him down and then getting the information out of him. An obvious plan, but the key we were missing was the how.

“You ever hear of a guy in Vegas called Dino?” he asked us, lowering his voice even though it was just us in the cabin of the private plane.

“The name sounds familiar,” I frowned as I tried to place it, but my mind was too focused on Luna.

“He owns a place in the desert,” he sighed, sitting back and rubbing the tips of his fingers on his chin as he looked at us. “It’s a place where you can take people to ask them questions,” he paused as he thought over his next words. “A place where you can’t hear them scream.”

“Like padded rooms and shit?” Levi asked sounding confused, but now I knew where I’d heard the name before. Sven had mentioned him once before when we’d been discussing what life had been like before we’d met. He didn’t like to talk about it, but somehow, I’d earned his trust, and one night he’d given me the dummies guide to his life before he’d moved back to Tennessee.