All it took was three more pumps, and he yelled out, the length of his cock pulsing inside me. The eroticism of the feeling set me off again, but this time I only had the strength to groan into the bed.

Through the panting and the feeling of Noah’s face now against my back and his chest heaving, I heard a noise I assumed was my heartbeat. As the ringing noise in my ears left, I realized that it was people clapping.

Freezing and lifting my head to look around the room I had a brief moment’s panic that we’d gone into the wrong hotel room. When I couldn’t see an audience, thank shit, I realized the noise was coming through the wall from the room next to us– Sven and Maggie’s room.

“Oh, shit!” I gasped in complete horror.

Now, had it been some random stranger’s room, I’d still have been embarrassed. However, because they don’t know your face, the likelihood of them sitting pointing at you at breakfast the next morning was slim. With people that you know, who could potentially bring it up at any point for the rest of your life, it was mortifying.

Who wants to sit at a birthday or at dinner and hear, “That’s just like when Noah and Luna got married. The bed was banging off the walls and our room sounded like Porky’s Poon Vacation.”

“Is that clapping?” he asked against my back.

“Oh shit,” I cried, even more upset now. “We have to leave! We have to move. We’re changing our names!”

I tried to disengage my vagina from his penis, but he wrapped his arms around my torso and stopped me.

“Baby,” he chuckled against my back. “It’s okay!”

“No,” I argued, still trying to pull away from him.

He was a sneaky-dickens my husband though, because every time I pulled forward, he followed me. Every time I moved backward, he moved forward. This meant that within twenty seconds, he was pumping in and out of me again, and we gave them even more ammunition against us.

NoahThe next morning should have started how the night had ended and would have if I’d had my way.

Reaching over, I went to pull Luna toward me, but her side of the bed was cold, very cold. Raising my head and opening my eyes, it took me a minute of blinking to focus on the room, and my head was pounding like I’d drunk a ton the night before.

Why was that?

That was when I realized that the pounding in my head was being joined by pounding at the door, and I slowly got out of bed and made my way over to it. I felt off balance and kept stumbling the whole way.

Shit, was I getting sick?

At the last second, I remembered that I was naked and grabbed a pair of sweats that were somehow on the table near the door and pulled them on.

Opening it, I came face to face with an amused Sven.

“I thought you had shit you wanted to do today? I’ve been trying to wake you up for four hours!”

“Crap,” I groaned, using the heels of my hands to rub my eyes. “What time is it?”

“Twelve-thirty,” he replied, pushing me back into the room and following me. “Where’s your wife?”

Looking at the open door of the bathroom, I frowned. She wouldn’t have gone out without me, would she?

“Did she go out with Maggie?”

“Nah,” he shook his head, looking around the place more closely. “Maggie said they were meant to meet up at breakfast, but when y’all didn’t turn up, she figured you’d screwed each other’s brains out last night.”

That was when we both saw the shattered lamp on the table near the couches.

“We didn’t do that,” I muttered, more to myself than him.

Over by the bed, all of the shit on the bedside table was now scattered across the floor and the phone had been torn out of the wall.

“Man…,” Sven started, pointing at the sheet on Luna’s side of the bed.

There was a bright red blood stain, not a big one, more the size of my fist, but there was no reason for there to be blood on the bed.

I started to walk over to it when Sven grabbed my arm stopping me. The ache and sharp pinch that happened with his grip had me growling at him.

A quick look at where he was holding almost fried my brain, which was coming back on track properly now.

There was a small smear of blood on my bicep. Quickly, I licked my thumb and reached over to rub it off seeing a small pinprick that wasn’t there before.

Blood on the bed.

Blood on my arm.

Looking at Sven, the two of us burst into action.

They’d taken her. They’d fucking taken Luna.

“Noah, we’ll get her back!” he walked up behind me as I swapped sweats for jeans and yanked on a t-shirt.