“Why aren’t you drunk?”

“I wasn’t drinking,” he shrugged.

Ah, now that made sense, but still…

“Why not?”

“Because someone had to keep you safe.”

Awwww! I think I made that noise out loud though because he looked at me, snorted and shook his head.

“You’re such a great guy!”

The look of horror on his face at my description of his awesomeness took me by surprise.

“A great guy?” he spat out.

“Well, yeah. It beats being a dick, doesn’t it?” I questioned, and then the word I was looking for hit me. “Cock!” I yelled, holding my finger in the air and moving to write the word down on my pad.

When I realized that I didn’t have my pen, I looked around me for it, and then decided to improvise before the inspiration left me.

“That’s… disgusting,” he murmured, watching me as I licked the word ‘cock’ onto the pad.

While I still had inspiration, I turned it to the next page and tongue-wrote ‘balls’ down, too.

I’m not sure what it was that distracted me from my poetry, but I lost interest in the pad and sat transfixed by the man sitting looking at me. There wasn’t an ounce of disgust on his face, instead it was acceptance, amusement and soft like I’d never seen before.


“Mmm,” he hummed, staring me in the eyes.

I wonder if we were thinking the same thing?

“Iloveyou,” I said so quickly that it came out as one word. “Iloveyouforeverandadayeventhoughyoureawhaleshitturkey”

His face softened even more as he figured out what I was saying.

“I love you too,” he whispered, giving me a quick peck. I tried to follow after his lips when he pulled back, but he went too far, and I was at risk of falling off the bed. “And I don’t think you’re a whale shit turkey. I think you’re the most amazing and beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and I thank God that you’re mine. Just mine!”

If he hadn’t kissed me at that moment, I would have told him I’d changed my mind about him being a whale shit turkey, but alas he took my mouth. That was the only way to describe how he kissed me– a full-on possession. And it was awesome!

I was so caught up in the kiss that the only time I realized anything was happening was when he pulled back so he could pull my dress up over my head. Then his mouth was back again, and the world was a beautiful place. Which it really was, and I could say this with complete certainty seeing as how I’d had a bird’s-eye view of it from the heavens.

He started laughing into my mouth as he kissed me pulled me away from my thoughts and back to where we currently were– with me flat on my back on the bed, my right leg wrapped around his left butt cheek and him pressed up against me.

Pulling away from me again, he grinned down at me. “Welcome back! Was it a nice trip?”

I’m ashamed to admit that I actually had to contemplate the answer to that and whether it was a yes or a no. Realizing what a dick I must look like when really the only dick that should be the center of focus was my husband’s, I shrugged.


“Was that a question?” he asked, his head cocked to the side. The good news was he was still laughing, so hopefully, he found my moment of stupidity endearing.

“Uh, no?”

“Would you rather I left you to continue with your poetry?”

That was like a big old mermaid tail to the face.

“Move and I’ll cause you pain. Huge amounts of pain,” I warned him, my left leg moving quickly up to copy what my right one was still doing. Just in case, I tightened the muscles in my thighs and calves as much as I could. I’m sure that this should have caused my foot some pain, but not a shred of it was felt.

It was at that point I realized that I was completely naked and so was he. I was surrounded by magicians!

Sweeping my hair off my face, seeing as how I was now a mermaid and my hair was flowing around like Ariel’s did in the sea, he stared down at me with a serious look on his face.

“I wish I’d known exactly how I felt for you years ago,” he muttered. “Then I’d have made sure you were safe, and he never would have gotten the chance to take you away.”

“Noah…” I tried to point out that my dad was such a big asshole that he would have done what he wanted to anyway.

“I blame myself every day,” he rasped. “The last couple of mornings, I’ve woken up with you beside me, your beauty on my pillows, and I’ve never been so happy in my life. It sounds cheesy, but it’s true.” He was right, it would have seemed cheesy– if he wasn’t aiming that truth at me. “My cousins told me that with their wives, they were the one thing that they never knew was missing until they found them. I didn’t get it– until now. Now I understand it perfectly.”