Shooting up out of bed, I snapped on the light and took in the expression of horror on her face.

“What? Are you hurt?” I grabbed her hand, looking for blood. When I didn’t see any, I opened her legs and looked to see if I’d torn her in any way.

What I saw instead made me groan, my seed was leaking out of her making my dick rock hard all over again.

“Fuck, that’s beautiful,” I rasped, my finger scooping out what had escaped and pushing it back into her. I couldn’t stop there though, so I moved my digit in and out completely forgetting why I’d been looking between her legs in the first place.

Luna, however, hadn’t.

“You didn’t use a condom,” she snapped, pissed but unable to stop her pelvis from moving with my finger.

“Yeah,” I tried to sound like I was paying attention to what she was saying, but I was only paying attention to what her pretty pussy was saying at that moment.

“Noah,” she spoke louder this time, definitely getting my attention. “You didn’t use a condom!”

The realization of the implications made my eyes almost pop out of my head. Nodding at me, she bit her trembling lower lip, looking close to tears.

I hadn’t wanted to tell her this soon if this could be classed as ‘this soon’, but that expression, the situation, us – it all culminated together into one big flashing arrow telling me to just fucking say it.

Pulling her up so she was sitting astride me, I used the hand that hadn’t just had a finger inside her to catch her chin and keep her face pointed toward mine.

“Luna,” I trailed off and watched as a tear fell slowly down her cheek. “Baby, I love you. You are it for me. Condom or no condom, it doesn’t change a fucking thing. It’s soon, I know that, but it’s not too soon for us. Do you understand?”

She watched me the whole time with a little frown between her eyebrows.

What she replied with wasn’t what anyone would have expected in our shoes.

“Who the fuck could understand that?” she snapped. “You’re talking in riddles! I don’t speak double Dutch, Noah. I don’t even speak Spanish that well, it’s more like Spanglish. I struggle even ordering in a Mexican restaurant. Just say what you mean in words that make sense.”

As always, her response made me want to laugh my ass off. It was all coming from nerves, I knew that, so I knew I needed to help her understand exactly what I was saying.

“You get that I love you?” I asked, starting with step one.

Her exasperated eye roll at this made my lips twitch.

“You get that I want to be with you?”

She raised an eyebrow this time and growled slightly.

“You get that I don’t care if we use a condom or not? That I don’t care if you get pregnant? Because I don’t, not even slightly. For some people it would be too soon, but not for us it isn’t.”

When she stayed silent, this time with her mouth hanging slightly open, I took it as my sign to hammer home my point. “If you want me to use one, I will. But just saying, Luna, you’re mine and there isn’t one thing that is going to change that.” Moving so that I tipped her down onto her back on the bed with me leaning over her, I took her head in both hands and said my final piece. “I’m yours, only yours. Just like you’re mine. Nothing will change that, because from now on, this is us. Now, do you get that?”

Yet again, she took me by surprise by moving our positions with a swiftness that shouldn’t have been possible given the difference in our weights and sizes. When she was on top of me, she got up on her knees, lifted my cock and sank down to the root.

Just as she started moving up and down, she leaned down and took my mouth.

“Yes,” she mumbled into it, eventually.

I would have spun us again so that I was on top, but she nipped my lip, leaned back so she was sitting upright and then slammed down.

On this occasion, I was frigging over the moon to concede defeat.11 NoahWe’d eventually gone back to sleep wrapped around each other and I felt lighter than I’d felt in years.

All of that went to shit exactly one hour and forty minutes after I’d closed my eyes and gone into that nice deep sleep where nothing exists and everything is fantastic.

The shrill sound of my phone screaming from beside me tore me out of my happy sleeping place and into the harsh reality of the fucking world.

And my phone literally screamed.

My brother Tate was an asshole and kept changing my ringtones. This time, it was a horror movie type scream, which beat the time it had been the money shot scene from a porno, but still.