NoahI had to shift my crotch so I was more comfortable against her. I was so hard that I was struggling to think let alone do something vital like breathe. People always joke about lack of blood flow when they’ve got an erection, but I was beginning to think it was a real issue. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember what I was going to say, all I could do was focus on trying to get oxygen into my lungs at the same time as trying to get closer to Luna.

When her legs had wrapped around me, I’d found a comfortable position, but I wanted an even better one. I’d moved my crotch slightly, so my dick was resting on top of where it really, really, wanted to be.

And then she froze, and I had a feeling I knew what the issue was.

“You can’t be serious,” she whispered, sounding close to terrified.

I would have laughed if my cock wasn’t about to explode.

“I tried to warn you,” I pointed out.

“You tried to warn me?” she sounded incredulous. With the lights on outside, I could see her face clearly in the semi-darkness as she stared at me in shock. “All you said was you couldn’t, and then you stopped talking! That’s not warning someone.”

Considering our current predicament, nothing should have been funny at that moment, but that didn’t stop me from laughing. To soften the blow, I stroked my fingers through her hair, watching as the shiny strands fell back down onto the pillow.

“You can take me, baby,” I reassured her softly.

“I can’t!” She looked so certain of this that I stopped seeing the humor in the situation. “I’ve always overestimated my abilities,” she rambled. “I once thought I could fly, or was adamant that I could fly,” she mumbled the last bit looking off to the side of my head at the memory. “I went up onto the roof of our house and jumped.” She held up her arm and pointed to the side of it. “I broke my arm in two places and couldn’t tell my dad about the pain I was in for days. In fact, if it hadn’t been for your parents insisting I go to the doctor, I probably would have left it until my arm fell off.”

“That’s how you did that?” I remembered her having a cast, but never knew the story behind how she’d done it. “Sweetheart, you were a little kid.”

“I was twelve,” she snapped. “Then, I watched Cocktail and decided that I could make better cocktails than Tom Cruise,” she pointed at a scar on her shoulder. “I did that when my dad’s bottle of whiskey bounced off my head and broke right here. I was thirteen!” I was about to say something, but she shook her head and continued. “Then, I watched a movie where they were all doing shots at a bar. I figured I could out drink them because it didn’t look that difficult. I had five shots of moonshine and passed out. If Levi hadn’t found me, I probably would have inhaled my own vomit and died.” I winced at the thought. “I was also thirteen then.”

I had to admit, the woman was a walking disaster. All of these things that had happened, and I hadn’t been aware of any of them. Surely, after the first two things a kid would have learned not to do stupid shit?

“I also thought I could drive when I was fourteen. I watched Gone in Sixty Seconds and wanted to be like Angelina Jolie. I was too short to reach the pedals of my dad’s car, so I taped phone books to my feet. I didn’t know that R meant reverse,” she trailed off and blushed.

“What did you think it meant?” She’d turned such a dark shade of red at that admission, that I had to know the answer.

“At first, I thought it meant radio, then I quickly changed my mind because why would they put the radio switch there?”

I didn’t find this even a tiny bit funny. It’s a wonder that she was still breathing or, fuck, even walking!

“Then I thought it was remote for the garage door– again, why would that be there? I went through a lot of options until I settled for rocket.”

“Rocket?” it came out sounding choked because why the fuck would a fourteen-year-old girl think cars came with rockets? Then again, her dad hadn’t really driven her around or taken an interest in teaching her jack shit, so that might explain that.

“Yeah, like in the movies when they have ‘Noz’ and the car goes like a rocket.”


“Yeah, the gas stuff that they put in cars in Fast & Furious that makes them go really fast!”

There was complete silence for a long while I tried to grasp what I was hearing.