Either I asked it out loud or she was thinking the same thing, because Luna pulled her phone out again and looked up the breed.

“On average, twenty-eight inches…” she murmured, reeling off the information. “That’s not so… one hundred and ten pounds?” she shrieked. “I weigh ten pounds more than your dog is gonna end up weighing!”

“Your dog,” I muttered, looking back at the beast. He was really very cute– a light beige color with a grayish muzzle area and blue eyes.

“My dog?”

Nodding, I took a step toward him and crouched down as I held my hand out. The dog stayed where he was, but his head tilted in the other direction at my action. “Yeah, he’s your guard dog.”

I heard her move behind me but stayed watching to see what our new dog was going to do.

That was until I heard Luna yell something that sounded like the name of a vegetable.

“Ohranyai,” she yelled, and then the whole thing went to shit as the dog launched itself off the porch and started barking in my face like a rabid werewolf.

I wasn’t sure if it was the leftover scent of Bogey or if it came from me, but I definitely caught a whiff of something.10 NoahIt had been eight hours since the dog had been discovered and I’d only just grown the balls to approach the question to Luna.

“So, do you like him?” I asked as I got into bed beside her.

I’d moved her through to my room without asking for permission. Instead, I’d just told her it made more sense, my bed was awesome and that if she had a nightmare, I could help her quicker if she was here.

Then, like a pussy, I’d admitted that I didn’t want to sleep without her.

Nodding, she turned on her side to face me with her arm bent under her head.

“I’ve decided on a name for him,” she told me with a grin on her face.

Instantly I tensed. He was a guard dog– sure he was the runt of the litter and was put up for adoption because he was a tiny bit unhinged, but still. What if she tried calling him something like Felullah?

“What are you thinking?”

“Oh, I’m not thinking,” she smirked. “I know what his name is!” She left me hanging for a good thirty seconds before telling me, “Vladimir– Vlad for short.”

Now that I hadn’t expected. Rex, Mutley, Kaiser, something normal for a guard dog sure. I’d been certain it would be a flouffy type name, the kind that those little balls of fluff dogs get.


“Because he understands Russian commands,” she said slowly, like I was the village idiot. “And Vladimir is a kick-ass Russian name!”

Looking over at the dog who was currently attacking one of Levi’s old sneakers, I had to agree, the name suited him.

“Vlad it is,” I murmured, watching as he threw it in the air and then ferociously shook it around. “Vladimir,” I called, not expecting a response, but getting one all the same as he turned to look at me and cocked his head. When he did shit like that, he looked like a cute big puppy, not the cunning and potentially deadly military or police dog he’d been bred to be.

“He likes it,” she pointed out, rolling onto her other side and hanging her hand over the edge of the bed and snapping her fingers.

The dog made a pitiful whining sound and crawled toward her hand on his stomach. Pussy!

I was jealous of a dog, I could admit that… to myself.

Moving forward, I cuddled up behind her and pulled her so that we were closely nestled together.

“Night, Miss. Priss,” I murmured into her hair.

“Night, Noah,” she sighed, rubbing her face into the pillow. A loud growl came from the floor making her laugh drowsily. “Night, Vlad!”

LunaI was on fire. I wasn’t sure if it was on the outside of me or the inside of me, but I was literally roasting alive!

Waking up a bit more, I realized that my arm had been hanging over the edge of the bed since I’d fallen asleep and was now completely dead. In fact, it was the only part of me that wasn’t being burned. Using my other hand, I lifted the arm up and whined as I lay it on the bed beside me. Holy hell, pins and needles were no freaking joke!

The more I woke up, the more I noticed what was going on with the rest of me.

I had a large hot body pressed up against me that was what was making me hot on the outside.

The leg that was currently rubbing up against my core, though, was what was making me hot on the inside.

I could have gotten out of bed and waved my arms around to cool down, but that would mean me leaving Noah’s arms, and what he was currently doing to me was too good to stop.