Right in front of us was the most beautiful vehicle baby I’d ever seen. It was all black and shiny and had not one mark on it. I’d even go as far as to say it was sexy.

“That’s my new pride and joy,” he informed me, walking up to it and rubbing his finger gently on the hood of it like he was tickling it on the nose.

Damn, I wanted to be that car. I would have been jealous if I wasn’t looking at vehicular perfection at that exact moment.

I was speechless. It was a Mustang like no Mustang I’d ever seen before.

Noticing the badge on the front, I gasped. “Is that a Shelby?”

“Yup. It’s the Mustang Shelby GT500,” he rubbed his hand along the roof. “It’s not due for release until 2020, but…,” he trailed off as he shrugged. “I know a guy who knows a guy, so I got this one,” he scratched his jaw, the noise of his nails scraping on the scruff on it audible from where I was standing, sending a shiver down my spine.

Either that or it was the car– it was probably the car.

Big fat liar pants!

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I gulped, desperately wanting to hug it. Or lick it. Or lie on it. Or have Noah lay me out on it…

“Almost,” he muttered, his eyes flicking to me and then back to the car. “Anyway, my cousin Cole is gonna be pissed. He likes to think he’s the Mustang king.”

“You got this to piss your cousin off?” If he said yes, I’d have to knock him out and take this precious baby far away.

“Hell no,” he spluttered and stroked the roof again like he was trying to soothe it. “I got it because it’s fucking awesome. Cole is just a bonus.”

I stared at him, taking in his expression to gauge how honest he was being. When I saw the true love for the car, I relaxed.

“It’s flipping awesome,” I told him, trying not to wince at how lame the words were given the fabulousness of the vehicle.

Doing my best not to look at him, I stared at the car some more taking in all the details on it. It really was outstanding and should be in a dictionary somewhere– maybe under fabulousity or sexification.

Trying to decide on a word to submit to Webster’s Dictionary for them to put a photo of it under, I didn’t see him walk toward me until his chest was just touching my arm. I was so short that my hand really was at perfect dick skimming height. It took everything in me not to just twist my wrist around so I could cup his crotch.

Not that I would have– I think?

Looking up at his face, I watched him get as close to me as he’d been back in the hall of the office building.

“Wanna take a ride on my stallion?” he asked, the corner of his lip twitching as my mouth opened and I started panting.

I definitely would like to ride his stallion. I didn’t care if he wanted me on it facing forward, backward, from behind, underneath…

When he dangled the key fob to the car in front of my face, my earlier thoughts of cupping his crotch quickly changed to punching him in it. Oh, that stallion!

Sighing and trying to hide my disappointment, I nodded my head and croaked, “Sure.”

I went to take a step to pass him when he surprised me by pecking me on the nose, then the lips, and then patted me on my right butt cheek, leaving his hand there to guide me to the car.

“Okay, baby,” he chuckled, steering me toward the passenger side of the car.

“Can I drive him?” I begged, already reaching for the key.

Frowning at me, he held the device high above his head knowing that the only way my short ass would even come close to reaching that high was if a ladder was involved. “Um, we don’t even joke about that shit.”

He had a point. My driving teacher in drivers ed had ended up in the hospital because he’d had a severe panic attack. It wasn’t my fault. That fucking spider dangled down in front of me and he’d told me never to take my hands off the wheel, so I’d swerved to the left and the right trying to blow it far the fuck away from me. When the stream from the air conditioning vents hit it, it had flown toward me. I’d done what any sane woman would do– I’d screamed and waved my arms around, doing my best to hit it but avoid it at the same time.

It wasn’t my fault that my foot had pressed down harder on the accelerator when I did it. That said, I had my license, and I hadn’t had another accident since. That was most probably because I hadn’t really driven much since I got it either.